Chapter 23

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When Friday came, the Kleinman kids were running around the house, making it look slightly presentable instead of like a tornado ripped through the living room. Quinn tossed Jared a few gaming remotes which he tossed into the basket next to the tv. She laid down on the floor and started fishing things out from underneath the couch.

"Why do we never clean this place?" She threw a bouncy ball at her brother. It bounced off his chest and rolled under the tv stand. "Seriously, dude?"


"You were supposed to catch it."

"Well, how was I supposed to know that?"

Quinn rolled her eyes. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because it was your bouncy ball?"

"Why are you assuming it's mine?"

"Because you're the one who had the obsession all throughout elementary school?" Her fingers clasped around a magazine and she pulled it out from underneath the sofa. She looked at the cover and launched it across the room. "Oh, god, why? Ugh, I'm never sitting on the couch again."

"What is it?" Jared asked, walking over to where it landed.

"A fucking playboy magazine. Can't Dad keep his stuff to his room?"

"Wait, why are you automatically blaming Dad?"

"Really, Jare? First off, do you want to get blamed for it?"

"Well, no."

"Second, we both know you're super gay."

"Wha- I'm not- I-"

"Jared, I see the way you look at Gabriel when you pick me up from rehearsals."


Before he could argue any more, the doorbell rang. "I'll get the door, you get the snacks."

The siblings split off to go to different parts of the house. Jared climbed up onto the counter and pulled a giant grocery bag out from behind the boxes of cereal. He pulled out the box of popcorn and threw a packet in the microwave.

Quinn pulled open the door. "Hey, guys!"

Zoe wrapped her in a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Quinn!"

Quinn laughed and gently pushed her off. "Thanks, Zo." She stepped away so the four teens could come inside.

"What up, friendos!" Jared said, setting a big bowl of popcorn on the table. "Ready for a night of Netflix and ridiculous teen shit?"

"Hell, yeah," Connor said, flopping onto the couch. He picked up the remote and scrolled through the movie. "What are we watching?"

Evan and Zoe sat on either side of him, Jared and Alana in the arm chairs, Quinn on the beanbag chair on the floor.

"M-mean Girls?" Evan suggested. The six kids all looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. Connor pressed play.

About halfway through the movie, they lost interest in it. Quinn was perched on the back of the couch, braiding Zoe's hair. Jared was showing Alana memes he had saved to his phone. Only Evan and Connor were still kind of watching the movie. Evan was laying across both Connor and Zoe, his head in his boyfriend's lap.

"So, leaving us for New York City," Alana finally said.

Quinn smiled. "It's not like I'm leaving you leaving you. I'll still visit, you know? I'll come back for holidays and Zoe's graduation next year. And we'll still have phones and stuff. And Connor's applying to that art school, so if he gets in, I won't be completely alone in the city."

"That's if Larry doesn't throw a fit and kick me out first," Connor muttered angrily.

"Hey, Mom's trying to get through to him, Con," Zoe said as Quinn tied off the braid in her hair. "She'll let you apply."

"Yeah, and I know you'll get in," Quinn said. "Your artwork is beautiful."

He smiled. "Thanks, Quinn. But it's not that great."

"Ex-fucking-scuse me? Connor, if you wouldn't anonymously submit your paintings and sketches, you would probably win the art competitions at school."

"I doubt it."

Quinn glared at the tall boy. "How about this: you submit a painting, drawing, whatever, in my name so no one knows it's you. If you win, I get $10 of the prize money. Deal?"

Connor narrowed his eyes before shaking her hand. "Deal."

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