Chapter 17

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"Connor, I asked you a question," Larry said. "Who are they?"

Quinn stepped in front of the boys, her head up and a hand on her hip. "Hello, Mr. Murphy. I'm Quinn Kleinman." She held out her hand. "Friend of Connor Murphy."

"My son doesn't have friends," Larry snapped. "Only drug dealers."

Connor clenched his jaw and took a step forward, but Quinn held her arm across his chest. "Well, Mr. Murphy, that would make me a drug dealer. And I most certainly am not. I received letters from 47 colleges about scholarships. I wouldn't have those if I even touched drugs. And Evan here is too pure for that." She took a step towards the man and poked him in the chest. "So I suggest you stop being so quick to judge your son and actually listen to him every once in a while."

Larry blinked at the short, fiery girl. He wanted to snap back at her, but the look in her eyes was bloody terrifying. He took a step away from her as Cynthia walked in.

"Larry, who are you talking t- oh! Hello. Who are they, Connor?"

"Jesus fucking Christ," he muttered. "These are my friends, Quinn and Evan."

"Well! Would you two like to stay for dinner? I'd love to get to know Connor's friends."

Quinn looked at her watch. "Actually, I can't. I have to go to work. I'm sure Evan can stay though." She picked up her bags and waved to Connor before heading out. Evan stood there, fingers tapping his sides.

"So, Evan, What do you say?"

"Uh, y-yeah, I-I guess I can stay."

- - -

"So, Evan, tell us a bit about yourself," Cynthia prompted.

"Uh, w-well, I-I like nature and, uh, I like musicals. I-I'm actually in this year's at school."

"How did you and Connor meet?" She asked. Evan froze. Thankfully, Connor took over.

"I saw him by himself in the computer lab and handed him the paper he printed. It was some assignment for... English class," he lied. "We kinda just became friends after that." He discretely hooked his pinky with Evan's, a silent reassurance that things were okay. Zoe noticed this and smiled to herself.

- - -

"Jared, I swear, if you don't get your ass in the car-"

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Sheesh, Quinn, relax." Jared slid into the drivers seat and took his time starting the car, just to annoy his sister.

"Jared, I will fuck you up."

He started the car. "Why are you in such a hurry to get there?"

"Just drive."

Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot for A La Mode. Quinn jumped out of the car and smiled when she saw Connor's car parked in the spot farthest away from the doors. She pulled the door open and walked in, quickly spotting the other two boys in the back with Zoe. She slid into the seat across from them, not bothering to wait for Jared.

"Hi, Zoe," she said. Zoe waved and took a sip of her milkshake.

"Quinn, why did you want us to be here so early?" Evan asked.

"Well, I have to meet with Brooklyn today, so-"

"Wait, super hot cheerleader Brooklyn?" Jared asked.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "No, the Brooklyn that has bake sales and gives all the profits to charity. Yes, the cheerleader. Anyway, I wanted to know how the dinner went before I met her at Forever 21."

"It went well," Connor said. "I think my mom likes Evan, so that's a plus."

"Did you tell them about," Quinn nodded to their intertwined hands.

"No, not yet. The only family member we were comfortable telling this early was Zoe. Plus, I don't want another reason for Larry to hate me," Connor said.

"So, Quinn," Zoe said, "Connor said you scared our dad. How were you actually able to do that?"

Quinn shrugged. "I stand up for my friends when people are misjudging them, even if the people judging them are their parents. I have anger issues." She looked at her watch. "Anyway, I have to go. See you guys later! Don't kill Jared."

"No promises," Connor said.

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