chp23 Threat

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The clock on the side table showed 8:14.I was still sleepy but I had to get up to inquire about Nathan also the curiosity of the yesterday's attack left me restless. After a little of stretching I was about to get up when the door was opened real fast and I was waiting for whoever it was behind the door but eased myself to see my intruder was none other than the owner itself.

"What were you thinking?"He asked in an annoyed tone.

"I was thinking ways in which I could attack the intruder and get out of here."I replied honestly.I even had a vase in my hand.

"What? no.....What were you thinking yesterday disobeying my orders like that and you dont have to worry about intruders there are guards at this place all the time."He stated.

"Disobeyed your orders??Are you serious I just saved Nathan's life and you are concerned about your orders?"I protested.

"Nate was fine,it was a strategy we devised, you didnt save his life on the contrary put yours and others life in danger."He accused.

"I know you dont care about me, but you could atleast have thought about your parents before pulling this off."He yelled but his eyes showed concern and sadness.

"I...Ummm...sorry..."was all I said.I didnt really know what else to say I hadnt really thought that my actions would put others in trouble rather than getting them out of it.

"You just had to..... you What?....Did you just say.....Did I just hear a sorry."Andrew said looking flabbergast.

"Umm..Its okay,I know you meant good."his tone softened,"Just dont do something like this the next time."

"So there is going to be a next time,huh?"I asked.

"Ummm...No..not like that just..."He was speechless.

"So you found out why did they attack?"I asked

"Nope the survivors are still unconscious,we are waiting for them to be awake."He replied making me even more restless,"But this is nothing for you to worry about."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in"Andrew declared.

12 Summers without you.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ