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Lindsey's alarm went off at six in the morning and Stevie grumbled from beside him burying her face deeper into his neck.

"Come on Steph, I have a six-hour drive ahead I need to make some headway." Lindsey chuckles

"It's so early and I've only had four and a half decent hours of sleep." She pouts nuzzling his neck. "You promised me an Omelet though." Lindsey pokes her side causing her to jerk away from him.

"Damn promises." She groans sitting up and getting out of bed.

Lindsey laughs and follows her out of the room. Stevie motions with her finger towards Anna's room and he quietly opens the door. Anna is laying on her stomach her head perched firmly on the dog's chest, who is still laying on his back with his paws in the air and tongue hanging out of his mouth. Anna has her arms wrapped tightly around him and almost protectively they notice that one of his paws is on her head.

"That is too cute," Lindsey whispers.

"Do you think I could go run and grab my camera?" Stevie asks peering over Lindsey's shoulder.

"I think so, it takes a lot to wake Max up. You'd think he'd be a guard dog but he's really not." Lindsey lightly laughs

Stevie smiles and lightly grazing his arm she books it down the hall into her room. She grabs the camera and makes her way back to Lindsey. She ducks under his arm and slowly walks towards the bed casually snapping a picture. The flash is on, due to the darkness of the room and it startles Annabelle who jumps awake which then notifies Max who also jumps and starts loudly barking.

"MAX!" Lindsey warns and the dog stops looks around and gathers his boundaries and trots over to Lindsey jumping up and placing his giant paws on his chest, his I have to go out signal.

"Come on, let's go get the monster and take her out too." Lindsey sighs.

"She's on my bed Linds. Just grab her, she won't bite you." Stevie assures.

"Are you sure?" Lindsey questions.

"I am. She's cuddly when she's sleepy." Stevie smiles.

Lindsey makes his way down the hall and into Stevie's room. It is so not like what it was back in their tiny apartment or the mansion they lived in, in Beverly Hills. This room was all white. There were a few colored things, the mahogany dressers, headboard, and vanity. The sheets were tan, but the bedspread was white. The walls were white, there were three white shag rugs adorning the mahogany flooring. She had shawls draped over the lamps, which was normal. Their lamps in their other homes were covered and rarely on. What caught his eye though was the picture on the vanity of him and her. 

Their families had taken a joint vacation to the beach one summer, they rented a beach house and everything. They let the two young lovers share a room and Jess, Stevie's father had snapped that picture during a barbecue on the beach. After all these years she still had that picture displayed. Not for everyone to see but at least for her to see. He walked over to the small hairless dog and gently took her in his arms. She growled but eventually tucked her head into his neck and started licking it.

"I still think you're a rat mop." Lindsey states as he heads downstairs to let the dogs out.


 As they were eating their omelets and homemade fried potatoes, Annabelle turns towards Lindsey.

"I don't want you to go. I had so much fun last night and even though you got me up at this god awful hour I'm going to miss you." Annabelle pouts.

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