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As school was coming to a close, Annabelle was practically counting down the days, 15 to be exact, three weeks, and she could not wait. It was the first of May when she and Graham confirmed their relationship, and though today was a Tuesday, and Stevie's birthday, Graham and the McVie family was going to come over for dinner on Friday the 29th and everyone was slightly excited, yet slightly terrified.

Lindsey had been running solely on Coffee, his girlfriend becoming slightly unbearable the further along her pregnancy got. She was showing now, big showing. She was about as big as she was with Annabelle during her seventh month of pregnancy, but now being only on month five, she was miserable. She was now 22 weeks along, five months, her legs were swelling, she couldn't fit into her platform boots anymore, and cried when Lindsey took her to the mall and she found out she went up half a shoe size, claiming that her feet didn't change when she had Annabelle. She was having the weirdest cravings in the middle of the night, Watermelon with chocolate syrup. Or tacos with ketchup on them. He was slightly disgusted when she asked for that one, and most nights were spent with her tossing and turning and throwing her pregnancy pillow around.

He still hadn't felt the babies kick or move, but Stevie was feeling them all of the time, and when she'd feel it, if Lindsey was in close enough proximity, she'd grab his hand and place it on her stomach, and Annabelle's too but they would both just look at her and shake their heads. It always made Stevie pout. Her emotions were everywhere as well, they were watching HGTV and there was s particularly ugly house and she just busted out into tears. And not to mention, sex. Sex had absolutely flown out the window after Easter when her belly expanded quite rapidly overnight.

Stevie was not motivated to do anything on her birthday. She was more than willing to lay in bed and do nothing, she woke up to Lindsey's alarm clock, and sat up with him. It was a new habit that she developed. She'd wake up for literally five minutes to kiss him good morning and wish him a good day at work, then she'd fall back asleep cuddling his pillow, her hand placed protectively over her baby bump.

"Morning baby." Lindsey smiles putting his hand on her stomach right under her breasts and leaned over to kiss her.

"Morning Linds." She said sleepily.

"Happy Birthday, do you want to do anything today?" Lindsey questions rubbing circles over her stomach.

"No, I'm sleeping my day away." Stevie states.

"Anna was thinking about going out to dinner, to that Mexican place you like." Lindsey sighs. That was going to be a touchy conversation.

"Lindsey, I don't want to leave the house." Stevie sighs.

"I understand, but people are going to start asking questions. You were supposed to go in and start working on another album this year and you haven't once stepped foot in the studio. Don't get me wrong, I love having you here at our disposal, but I know you, and I know you miss work. If you disappear for a while people are going to ask questions. If you show your face, and people see your stomach they'll probably bombard you with questions, but it'll give you a motive to not work for a while if that's what you want." Lindsey shakes his head.

"I do want to take a year off, I had Annabelle in the studio with me, when she was four days old. I don't want to do that again, I want to relish in these babies and spend the most pivotal part of their life with them." Stevie falls back into bed.

"Alright, so we'll do Mexican at seven then?" Lindsey asks hoovering over her.

"I guess." Stevie smiles as he nods and kisses her again.

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