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I can't believe Xander came back here. A few years ago he got into some trouble with some gang lords down in Miami and was practically banned for life.

I just got off of a two hour flight from Baltimore and rented a shit car just so I can come get his ass.

Why did I agree to this?

I just hope he's still intact when I find him.

The location Killian sent me was a casino in gang territory, so with the forty-two hours I have left to get back to New York, I'll have approximately thirty hours to find him to get back in time.

I parked the rental in front of the casino Xander likes to go to and took a good look at the bright lights covering the building from top to bottom, and people waiting in a line that wrapped around half of the parking lot.

This is a high class casino where only people with power or money are allowed in and I have both of those qualifications.

I wore sleek black pants with a matching black button down and black bow tie, with a dark burgundy, velvet jacket.

I sighed and got out of the car, walking past everyone in their sparkly outfits and nodding to the bouncer, who nodded back, letting me pass before radioing to someone.

My goal was to get Xander and get out, but the only gang that he hasn't messed with down here is the one who runs this casino, so of course the men know who we are.

I made it past the lobby and cashed five thousand dollars into chips.

I scouted all the tables and the blackjack table gave an overview of everything, so I sat down.

"Bets on the table gents," the dealer said as I placed down a few chips.

He handed me two cards and he placed two cards in front of him; one up and one down.

I had an ace and a five, giving me either six or eleven. His card was a two, so I decided to hit.

The dealer gave me a jack, so I hit twenty one and stood. He flipped his card over, revealing a Queen. He hit and out came a ten, so he busted and I won.

I played a few more times, some people joining and some people crowding to watch my winnings.

When I got up from the table, I secured fifty-thousand dollars.

I found that I was being watched by large men in suits that had earpieces and radios. I'm surprised that they were letting me walk about with my brother's reputation in Miami.

On one of Xander's so called disappearances, he went on a crazy spree that nearly wiped out one of the biggest gangs here in Miami, all in just two weeks.

Lost in my thoughts, someone had run into me, a woman, she quickly apologized and ran off.

Before I could comprehend my next movements, I was stopped by three rather large men in all black. They quickly turned me to walk in a different direction, to a private area where they pushed me against a wall and patted me down for any weapons or wires of any kind.

"Clean," one man said to the others.

"Sorry for the trouble Mr..." one of the men started, seeming to not know who I was.

"Vecellio. Reese Vecellio," I finished as I fixed my suit and turned around to face them, each going wide eyed and stiffening.

"You are a long way from home mi amigo," a deep voice claimed from behind the men.

The men separated to reveal a shorter man dressed in the finest white suit, and gold dripping from his neck. His eyes, piercing black and the wrinkles from his frown deepening with every glance at me.

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