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Her jaw dropped when she saw me. I knew Reese wanted to spend his birthday here. I thought she was aware that I own this particular club.

I looked into her blue eyes intently and then looked her over once from her head to her toes, pressing my lips together to prevent myself from saying anything I shouldn't.

She looked amazing, but she wouldn't hear that from me.

As I met her eyes once again, she stopped breathing. I smiled at her reaction and her cheeks grew a dark shade of pink.

She hadn't changed a bit.

"Hello Princess," I spoke, taking a step toward her.

I felt her squirm as I leaned closer to her, stopping at her ear.

"Close your mouth Princess. Wouldn't want you to catch any flies now would we?" I snickered before leaning back from her.

She gave a disapproving scowl and I merely raised my brows at her.

"I see they're letting just anyone in here," she mumbled softly.

I chuckled and shook my head at her.


"Clearly by the look on your face when you saw me, you didn't know I own this club," I gestured to the building with an arm.

"Of course you do," she huffed and crossed her arms.

"Your cheeks always give you away Princess," I snickered.

She looked away from me, knowing her cheeks were even further giving away the effect I had on her.

She looked at the bar then, I followed her gaze. Reese was nearly passed out on the bar table.

"Reese wanted to have his party here, I thought he told you," I told her.

She looked back at me too quickly and stumbled a bit. I grabbed her arm to steady her and she quickly snatched it back.

"I need to get Reese home," she spoke suddenly, grabbing her phone back that I still had in my hand.

She strutted back to the bar quickly, swaying her hips absentmindedly as she did so.

She spoke to Kenny, the bartender, for a moment and then her body relaxed. She sat and crossed her ankles.

Her skin was a beautiful olive shade that had been tanned from the sun and her hair was lighter. She has it up but I could tell it was shorter.

It was brighter by the bar and I could see she had a small cut above her brow.

Was she hurt?

Then some guy came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. I took two steps forward but she didn't seem stunned.

This was that guy Xander had told me about.

Xander had stopped in a few days ago, somewhat shocked that I was opening a club here, but he quickly brushed it off and briefly talked about this guy.

I locked eyes with Rebecca then. Her face went still and she turned around and asked Kenny for something.

He gave her a disapproving look but then looked over at me. I gave him a nod and he poured her what she had asked for.

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