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It had been weeks since I'd seen or been outside of that place. Lachlan kept me in that cell the entire time.

He hadn't tortured me or hurt me in any way. He always made sure someone brought me food and treated me for my wounds. If I didn't want to eat, he'd have someone sedate me and hook me up to a bag of saline to stay hydrated.

Even though I wasn't treated as horribly as he could have treated me, I was still a prisoner and he nearly killed me and killed my mom and Tyson in the car crash.

As Haywood drove, I sat in the backseat staring out the window at the dark sky that seemed to stay still.

"Are you alright back there?" Haywood asked, bringing my attention to him.

"Yes, just tired," I admitted as he sighed. "Thank you," I told him as we locked eyes in the rear view mirror.

"Just doing my job," he stated flatly, his honey eyes leaving the mirror.

"I'm still thanking you," I told him. "If not for you, I'd still be there," I spoke softly as he continued to drive.

"Just take a nap, we're about an hour out," he said as he stopped the car at a stoplight.

"What did Killian give you so you'd do this job?" I asked curiously as his eyes widened slightly. "I'm not stupid. Killian mentioned you before and you seem like a man who gets top dollar for his services," I continued as he smiled.

"I got some insurance money from him to see if he was committed to this, but I work for favors. I did this for him, so he is going to do something for me in return," he stated flatly.

"Go easy on him, with whatever you have him do," I sighed as I leaned my head on the backseat and fiddled with my hands.

I can't believe I was still wearing this ring. And I'm more surprised that Lachlan didn't take it.

"Am I invited to the wedding at least?" Haywood asked with a playful smile on his lips.

"You don't seem like a wedding kind of guy to me," I pointed out as he snickered lightly.

"Not in the slightest, but I never miss out on a party with free food," he joked, making me laugh.

"Do you party often?"

"Oh yeah. When I'm not doing this, it's pretty much clubs or bars til dawn," he stated truthfully.

"We'll have to go clubbing one time. Preferably when I'm more fun," I groaned as he chuckled.

"I know just the place too," he pondered as I shut my eyes and drifted off.

I felt the vehicle come to a stop, shaking me awake.

"What's going on?" I asked groggily.

"We're at our final destination," he smiled as he hopped out of the vehicle and opened my door.

He took my hand and let me use him for stability as he led me inside a large building and straight into an elevator.

When the doors opened, he led me down a hallway and opened one of the doors on the floor.

"This is your place?" I asked as he turned on a few dim lights in the apartment.

"Not mine," he stated flatly as he went to start a fire in the fireplace.

I walked past the white and black kitchen and straight into the living area on a black leather couch.

I tucked my legs under me and curled up to the edge as I watched Haywood light the fire.

"I mean it, when this is over, let's get hammered," I retorted as he chuckled.

"I'll hold you to it," he smiled as he stood up and brushed his pants off.

"Is everything finally over?" I asked him as his eyes locked with mine.

I searched for any sign, but his eyes stayed still and dull.

"For now, yes. Get some rest," he stated quickly as he placed a blanket over me.

I stared at the fire and watched the orange and red flames rise and fall.

I closed my eyes somewhere in the night and just laid on the comfy couch.


"Where is she?" I asked Haywood as I busted into my apartment.

"She's sleeping on the couch," Haywood responded softly.

I tried to move past him and walk over to her, but Haywood caught my shoulder.

"She's worn out and tired from the shit she's been through, so stay calm when you see her," he added quickly as I rushed over to her.

She was sleeping peacefully on the couch, but she did not look like my Princess.

She had deep set purple hues under her eyes and her skin was pale. Her arms had bruises all over them and little red marks from needles.

"What are all these needle marks?" I asked Haywood.

"Lachlan put her through a car crash just to get her. I took a blood sample while she was sleeping and ran some tests. Her blood contained concentrations of of general anesthesia and morphine," he revealed as the door to my apartment opened.

"Is she alright?" Reese asked as he and Sam carried an unconscious Damian in.

Sam looked almost as bad as Damian. He looked like he had been tortured too with all his bruises and cuts.

"She's fine," Haywood assures as he took Damian from Reese so he could see Rebecca.

"I've got her, go see your brother," Reese comforted as I nodded and stood up and walked to where Sam and Haywood took Damian.

They laid him on a bed and had ice packs laid on his body.

"I thought I told you guys to go live your lives, not get into any trouble," I cursed and swatted the back of Sam's head.

"Ow," he whined. "We were down in South Carolina when we were jumped. By the time I woke up, I was stuck in the hospital as a John Doe and it took three days for me to get a hold of anyone. Griffin had to come get my ass and then Reese called me and told me to come help him carry my unconscious best friend here," he explained annoyed.

"When he wakes up, you're both going to Russia," I stated flatly.

"No way," Sam started to argue. "I'm not even from there."

"There's no debate in this Sam!" I shouted. "We have a few more weeks left until we have to be in Russia. You both are getting on my jet and flying the fuck out of the U.S.," I continued. "It's over. We're finished here," I finished before I walked out of the room and rubbed my eyes.

"Does that mean you're finished here too?" Reese asked from Rebecca's side.

"I haven't a choice. Lachlan made that very clear," I scoffed.

"There's always a choice Killian," he counsels as I sigh and sit down next to him on the couch.

"I told myself a while ago that I'd walk away when this was all over," I trailed out softly.

"And you don't think you can?" Reese asked.

"Not in the slightest. Without her, I'm afraid of the person that I'll become," I admitted as Reese sighed.

"Whatever you decide to do, it's on you," he said as he stood up. "When Damian wakes up I'll drive him and Sam to the jet to give you time to talk with my sister," he said softly as he walked away.

Now or never.

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