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My tired eyes fluttered open and I was greeted by darkness as well as a burning sensation of fabric softener in my nose.

I sat up from the soft bed I was in and looked around.

I didn't recognize where I was.

In front of me there were two giant windows standing from the floor to the ceiling that gave an exceptionally good view of what appeared to be countryside in the starry night.

I lifted the white covers so I could go stand by the window, but I immediately got a chill that went up my spine.

The only article of clothing I was wearing was a baggy gray shirt that went to my mid thigh. I was also only wearing my underwear underneath from the club, but it left me wondering how I got changed.

Maybe I changed myself and just didn't remember.

I folded the covers back over me to get warm again, and lay back down.

"Shit, ow," I complain suddenly as my head starts to pound.

I squeezed my eyes shut and the pain settled a bit but came back almost immediately.

"Ugh," I continue.

"You're awake," Killian points out as he appears into the bedroom doorway with a glass of water and a few red pills.

"No shit Sherlock." I sit up and do a quick examination of him.

He was wearing gray sweatpants, a black t-shirt, and black socks. His under eyes were blue and his hair was messy.

I snap out of examining him when my head pounds so I quickly say, "well, are you just going to stand there or are you going to give me those pills?"

I rub my temples as he looks down at his hands and laughs before walking over to sit at the base of the bed to hand me the pills and water.

"You know, I pictured your initial reaction to be much different than that," he admits as I pop the two pills in my mouth and drink the water in a few gulps.

It is cold against my burning throat so I sip it until it is almost empty.

"You could have been normal and asked, where the hell am I? or what the fuck happened? but no, you go straight for pain relief," he laughs and rubs my foot through the blankets.

"So, where the hell am I and what the fuck happened?" I half sarcastically groan, my voice a bit croaky.

"Do you even remember anything that happened at the club two days ago?" He asks suddenly, his brows furrowing.

"Two days ago!" I thunder and run my hands through my hair in disbelief. "How the hell was I out for two fucking days?" I wonder aloud and throw my hands to the bed. "Oh fuck, my brothers were there. And Adam was there," I shrieked and clutched my stomach with my hands.

Images of that night came flooding back to me.

I remembered the awful sound of innocent people screaming, bullets shot and it seemed like we weren't making it out alive.

Killian moves himself so he is beside me and then gives me a small side hug to try and calm me down.

"Everyone is fine Princess," he cooed, trying to help me calm down.

My breathing started to return to normal and I noticed a bandage peeking out from under Killian's sleeve.

"Are you alright?" I ask as I pull out of the side hug and then tug slightly at his t-shirt sleeve.

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