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Going through my dresser, I found the skirt that Tina had let me borrow a few months back. It was folded neatly in the bottom of my drawer, fresh with detergent and wrinkle free.

I pulled it out, flipping it over and looking at the back of the mini skirt.

It's so trashy...

I thought, setting it down on my bed and staring at it. 

Why would she own something like this? 



Lack of freedom..?

Like the stars.

Glancing at the clock, I remembered I had to meet Dylan at the store in a half hour, but I wanted to make one other stop before I walked over.

I grabbed the skirt and my purse and rushed out the door of the house. There was snow falling, and I wished I had worn another jacket. 

The path in front of me was one I haden't traveled by in a long time, and I was almost fearful to head down it. Sometimes I think we have to push ourselves to do the things we fear, and right the wrongs we regret. Even though most often, we can't change the past. But we can try and build something better.

Tina's doorsteps looked the same as it always had; pristine, yet incomplete. Fulfilling, yet empty. 

Carefully and as quietly as I could, I placed the short skirt on the doormat, making sure it was in a position to be seen and not stepped across.  Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell and scurried down the stairs and around the corner to make sure I wasn't seen. 

Tina stepped on to the porch, looked around and bent over to pick up the skirt. She stood there on the porch for a moment, staring out into the snow and then down at the skirt she clutched in her hands. Not seeing anyone, she turned around and walked back inside.

Small steps.

Maybe stars are so lonely because they think no one's looking for them; that no one cares anymore.

I wanted to prove her wrong. 

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