The Beautiful End

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Ariana looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, she liked how her dress was tight and softly cascaded down to form a beautiful train. This was the day she became a wife, her hair slightly raised to a half up half down style. She heard the soft cooing of her 5 months old baby boy. She turned around seeing him in his stroller, he smiled and gurgled when he saw her laugh. Jaxon came in and gave Ari a hug before taking Adam Zac Bieber and gently pushing him out, Ari knew she had to go, the music started playing and she linked her arm through her father's arm. The staring eyes made her nervous as she looked at the large crowd of friends and family here to witness her wedding day. Then her eyes landed on Justin, the beautiful smile on his face, the bright twinkle in his eyes, the familiar comfort in his eyes, and the utter love they portrayed was all it took for Ari to speed up her pace and replacing the nerves, love and happiness and the need to be in his arms. Soon enough, her father's arm was being replaced with Justin's gentle touch.

"you look amazing baby" he said and her soft blush made him laugh, an amazing, sweet laugh that made Ari herself let out a loud adorable giggle. The priest had a smile on his face as he began the ceremony but neither Justin nor Ariana noticed it, the guests were murmuring about how pretty the wedding was but they didn't notice, the envious words coming from both men and women were also running through the crowd. Ariana and Justin could only see each other as they repeated the vows and promised each other a happy future together.

"you may kiss the bride" he said and Justin placed his lips on Ariana's for a quick kiss. She smiled into the kiss and everyone cheered the new weds.


They walked the small distance to the reception and the crowd waited patiently for the pair. The Dj introduced the couple for their first dance and they walked out all smiles. Justin wrapped his arms around her waist softly as they swayed to the music lightly,

"I love you" Justin said and his new bride smiled brightly.

"I love you" she said feeling the love between them evolve into something more, something powerful and stable, it became a relationship to go on forever because in that moment everything was right.

They danced and laughed, smiles filled the air and the party was amazing.

Grandma Joan took Adam for the night allowing Justin and Ariana to have their wedding night to themselves, they walked into the beautiful hotel room and Ariana lifted her dress slipping her heels off, she walked onto the balcony barefoot and stood their staring at the amazing beauty in front of her, she felt two warm hands wrap around her thin body and pull her against a bare chest, the warmth of Justin's body spread through Ari,

"it's beautiful" she said

"You're the beautiful one angel" he said kissing her cheek then her jaw, Ariana moved her head giving him access to move his lips against his neck, she moaned softly and turned around her lips finding his quickly and causing heat to burn through them, she felt him move them inside and she pushed herself away from him and walked to the bathroom quickly, she slipped her dress off and placed it carefully on the counter, then smoothed the lacy lingerie on her thin body, she closed her eyes and walked out, she watched the look on Justin's face go from a smile to a look of want, he got up walking towards her and she pushed her body against his softly.

"baby" he groaned moving his hands around her body, the lingerie stuck to her body but the lace exposing all her beautiful sexiness. Justin kissed her feeling his need for her bubble over as he pulled her over to the bed roughly and kissed her quickly, Justin pulled the soft material off of her body gently and tossed it on the ground.


Ari felt Justin's head pressed against her chest hotly, the heat of his cheek pressed against her breasts, she could feel his soft breath hit her skin, her hand was running gently through his hair,

"You're amazing" he said his voice low

"I love you so much" she replied because she did, she loved him more than anything else and she would never let him go, Justin and Ariana fell in love and their circumstances made them do things they weren't proud of but it got them each other, and because of that, Justin and Ariana had absolutely,

No Regrets..


Go read my new story,

"You're the best part of me"

Love you all so much xx

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