Finally Done With Her

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Justin's POV:

"Ariana" I shouted and watched her come out of the room. Ryan had left and I wanted to go see Katrina, no way was I letting this go.

"yea Justin" she said peaking her head out.

"i'm gonna go see Katrina, I wanna have a little talk with her" I said

"wait, I'm coming with you" she said walking out of the room. She grabbed a pair of black pumps and she linked her arm through mine. We headed down to the car and drove over to Katrina's.


Ariana rang the doorbell and I stood next to her, soon enough Katrina came to the door and her expression turned to shock when she saw us.


"whore" Ariana and I said at the same time. We both looked and I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

"excuse me" Katrina said looking from me to Ariana.

I was about to speak but Ariana cut me off walking into the house and I followed after her.

"you made me feel like some kind of low life for falling in love when in reality you're the bitch who slept with a guy who doesn't even know your name" Ariana said fiercely and I stepped back letting her do the talking.

"you slept with my fiancé bitch" Katrina said

"correction ex fiancé because no man can live with you once he realizes you're simply a pretty face and nothing more than that." Ariana said stabbing her finger in Katrina's direction.

"at least I'm not as desperate as you to go after someone taken" Katrina said flicking her hair.

"but you're desperate and pathetic enough to fake a pregnancy because that's the only thing that you can do to keep a man, hell even sex wasn't working for you anymore" Ariana said with her hand on her hip and a smirk on her face. I snickered and Katrina turned to glare at me.

"shut up slut" Katrina said looking at Justin.

"I am not a slut" Ariana shrieked as her hand collided with Katrina's cheek making a loud sound and my eyes widened and I smirked.

"hey Grande, that was sexy as hell" I winked at her. She laughed and Katrina got up wanting to hit Ariana but I quickly stepped between them.

"woah there, no hurting the beauty" I said watching Katrina roll her eyes in disgust and point to the door.

"get out, both of you" she said

"gladly" Ariana said pushing my body out the door. We walked out and I laughed high fiving Ariana's little hand. We got into the car,

"where to" I asked

"my place" she said looking out the window.

"we still have to talk" she said and I nodded my head agreeing.


We got to Ariana's house and we settled down on the couch.

"I'm sorry Justin, I'm sorry I left you when you needed me" she said looking down and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I grabbed her soft adorable hands in mine.

"I overreacted, I just wanted you to never leave you know" I said softly as she lifted her head to look at me. I bent my head to kiss her and she grabbed my hair pulling me closer to her.

Nobody's POV:

The small blonde grabbed his head pulling him closer towards her as he moved his hands down to her thighs and pulled her onto his lap. She pushed her body down on him and heard his breath quicken. He got up still holding onto her as she moved her lips along his jaw and neck. She heard his soft groan and felt her back come in contact with the mattress. Justin moved himself on top of her and kissed her ear moving her hair out of his way. He slipped the strap of her midriff down and kissed her shoulder letting his lips linger there as she moaned softly. He placed his hands on the hem on her tank top and pulled it off of her. He unbuckled her bra and tossed it gently to the side. His hands grabbed her boobs and she gasped clutching onto his shoulders as he sucked one making her moan and grab his hair roughly. He pulled his shirt off and soon they were both completely naked. Ariana flipped them over wanting to be on top, she kissed Justin's chest, moving down to his torso. She traced the little bird tattoo on his hip and moved her hand lower, he closed his eyes moaning loudly as her hand went up and down on him. Ariana grabbed the condom and slowly put it on Justin, she then moved her hips onto him and slowly took him in, both of them moaning and breathing heavily. She rested her hands on his chest moving her body to a steady pace as she kept his hands secured on her waist.

"yes baby, you're so fucking sexy" he said staring at her body bouncing on him. She moaned his name making him groan.

"fuck baby faster" he said moving her body for her.

"Justin, Justin ugh" she said

"baby" he uttered out and she whimpered and screamed his name as they both came. She collapsed off of him and moved herself into his side cuddling against him.

"you're so perfect" he said kissing the side of her head. She buried her face in his chest add kissed it softly. Soon her steady breathing was heard and he smiled looking at her. Everything was over, finally they were done with her, he had Ariana. That was all that mattered.


guys I'm not gonna be able to update for the next few days. We're going somewhere where there won't be wifi and 3G so I'm sorry. But I'll write and update when I come home. I love you all and hope you enjoyed.

Thank you for the votes and Comment what you think. xx

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