What I Needed

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Ariana's POV:

I laughed as Justin raised the volume and sang along to "Best You Ever Had" by John Lennon. I giggled as he grabbed my hand, I looked at him smiling as he drove us to his dads house,

"did I mention you look amazing today?" He said looking at my body, I was wearing a light pink strapless dress up to my knees, it was tight and then flowed gently down my waist, I had nude pumps on and I smiled at Justin,

"you may have said it once or twice baby" I said playing with his fingers.We got to the house and Justin helped me out and grabbed my hand as we walked up to the door, Justin rang the bell, the door opened revealing a man who grinned when he saw me.

"hey guys" he said letting us in.

He gave Justin a hug and shook my hand introducing himself as Jeremy Bieber.

"i'm Ariana Grande" I said and Jazzy came in and hugged Justin giving him a kiss on the cheek, she came over and hugged me and I laughed softly. Then a blond haired little guy came in, he ran over to Justin and hugged him. Justin introduced me and then we walked into the dining room where a lady came in and after setting the food down, she came over and shook my hand,

"i'm Erin" she said smiling at me.

"Ariana" I said returning the smile.

"so how'd you two meet after you know the breakup which you never explained" Erin asked

I looked at Justin who was playing with the food in his plate,

"well um we met at the high school meet up thingy" I said trying to wave it off as if it was nothing. Erin's eyes widened,

"you're that Ariana as in her best friend" she said looking shocked

"well not anymore" I mumbled

"ok so Justin how's work" Jeremy quickly changed the subject and I sighed in relief.

"its good you know new cars coming in soon" he answered

"so have you told Pattie you broke up with Katrina, after all the only reason you married her was Pattie loved her so much" Jeremy said and Justin flinched.

"well not exactly, I will soon" he said making me snap my head towards him.

"you're mom loved Katrina and she doesn't know we're dating or you broke up with her, she's gonna hate me you know" I said terrified of ever meeting his mom.

"relax, I'll tell her soon and she'll love you" Justin tried brushing it off.

"yea right, your mother doesn't approve of any of your girlfriends, Katrina was a miracle" Jeremy said laughing and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Justin gave his father a look and Jeremy stopped laughing.

"Ariana babe it'll be fine" Justin said

"as long as she doesn't find out how you met Ariana" Erin said

Justin sighed shaking his head,

"just don't worry about it baby" he said giving me a smile which I tried to return.

We had a nice evening after the awkward conversation had stopped and I realized what amazing people they were. Jazzy showed us some of her newest dance moves, and we all cheered and clapped. Justin got up standing next to Jazzy and they began goofing around with slow dancing leading to Justin eventually tickling her till she screamed and said,

"Justin stop your embarrassing me" she whined, he laughed and kissed her cheek before coming over to sit next to me. Jaxon showed me a picture of his "girlfriend" Carly from 3rd grade and Justin smirked,

"my bro, a player from the young days, that's my man" he said high fiving his 8 year old brother. I shook my head laughing at the two.


Justin and I left soon and instead of him taking me home, we went to the beach. I took my shoes off and threw them on the ground, there was no one there, it was empty as it was 10:00pm, I walked over to the shore letting the water hit my ankles. Justin wrapped his arms around my waist kissing the back of my neck, I turned around to place my lips on his and felt him grab my thighs and pull my legs around his waist. Justin was walking and I wanted to pull away and see where he was going but he kept my lips secured to his. Soon we splashed against the water and I shrieked as the water splashed over me, suddenly I screamed as I felt myself being thrown into the water and the ice cold water had enveloped me as I swam up, Justin swam over to me and held me laughing, I hit him and then hugged him and smiled.

"I love you" he said softly

"I love you more" I answered

Justin and I got out of the water laughing, and I ran away from him as he chased me, I stood behind a tree as he stood across laughing, I ran and he grabbed me quickly, my laughter rang in the air as Justin twirled me around him, he held me tightly as his lips found their way to mine, his tongue played with mine roughly as I grabbed his hair tightly. His hand slipped between my legs running down my thighs, I smirked pulling away,

"not here you won't" I murmured softly pulling his hand into mine, he laughed wrapping his arm around my neck and hugging me tight. It had been a hell of a night. I looked up at Justin and laughed at a lame joke he'd told. He hugged me again squishing me into a tight hold. Somehow even though I could barely breath, it was what I needed.


So, is anyone willing to make me a story cover? Because I have absolutely no time and its for a new story that I won't post till this one is done. If anyone is able to make me one, or tell me someone who can, I'll be more than grateful. Thank you guys, I love you all.

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