Be There For Me

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Ariana's POV:
It was there in front of me, no denying it. I was definitely pregnant. I had taken three tests and they were all positive. I was scared beyond belief and I was absolutely nauseous at having to tell Justin or maybe it was because I was pregnant. I shook my head hesitantly, and walked away from the tests. I walked over to my bed and sat down. I bit my lip, I don't know how I was staying so calm, I think my mind was still shocked.
The sound of the door left me scared stiff, I hoped it wasn't Justin.
I walked over to the door and opened it to see Justin standing there with a smile on his face.
"hey baby" I said, my voice not at all normal,
"Ryan is coming, he's just getting something out of my car, you ok love" he asked me as we walked in and I looked at him,
"i'm fine what could be wrong" I said enthusiastically
"babe" Justin laughed looking at me pointedly and I shrugged trying to cover up for my obvious weirdness. I walked away from him and heard the door open and Ryan shout out,
"hey" he walked in and settled next to Justin on the couch.
I opened the fridge grabbing two sodas and handing them to the boys.
"hey babe, I have an extra shirt in the bedroom right, this one is annoying me" he said trying to pull the collar. I laughed at him and motioned to the bedroom,
"you know where they are baby" I said as I say next to Ryan where he was showing me pictures of his girlfriend Ashley. I smiled,
"aww how cute" I said staring at the sweet picture.
Once I realized he'd been gone to long,
"i'm gonna go see him" I said to Ryan and he nodded, I walked into the bedroom and stopped once I saw Justin holding up a pregnancy test, I'd forgotten them on my dresser.
"Justin" I said
"are- are these you know yours" he said still staring at it.
"well I mean-"
"Ariana answer me directly" he said raising his voice a tone.
"yes, yes they're mine" I whispered and Justin walked out of the room. I looked at him in shock,
"Justin" I yelled walking out behind him.
"were you even planning on telling me" Justin yelled and I flinched at his tone,
"of course but maybe I was waiting until we were alone, I didn't want anyone seeing you freak out" I shouted
"its ok I've seen Justin freak out a zillion times" Ryan said from behind is, we both turned our heads towards him and gee was staring at the TV completely clueless.
"Ariana, that's my baby, mine, I deserve to know the moment you do" he yelled his voice strained.
I saw Ryan turn his attention towards us in shock,
"well Justin I was scared" I said in exasperation
"scared of what, me not being the father or is that actually the case, I mean you've done it before" he said and my mouth dropped open,
"Justin man what the hell" Ryan said from behind us and tears came to my eyes,
"Ariana, wait i'm sorry" Justin said sitting down putting his head in his hands.
"I can't believe you said that" I whispered sitting down.
"i'm sorry baby, i'm just i'm scared, we're not married, we haven't been together that long and that scares me you know"
"you think that i'm just peachy about this, i'm terrified Justin but I thought you would be there for me and anyway is it really about time" I whispered holding onto his hand, he looked up at me, a frown on his face.
"no, no its not about it and I know you're scared baby, i'm sorry" he said biting his lip.
"we can do this" I said gently
"we can baby we can do anything" he said moving over to hug me tightly. My tears were definitely staining his shirt by now.
"i'm sorry I was rude" he said placing his lips on mine, I roughly attacked his tongue, my hands found their way to his hair yanking him closer to me as his hands moved down my body moving me onto his lap.
"hey guys i'm still damn here" Ryan shouted and me and Justin pulled away to see him covering his eyes with the back of his  hand,
Justin and I both laughed as Justin leaned over giving Ryan a slap on the back.
"so you guys bringing me a niece or nephew huh" Ryan said a big smile on his face.
"yes we are" Justin said looking at me a smile taking over his features. "i'm glad your having my baby baby" Justin said pecking both my cheeks.
"enough cheesiness" Ryan said waving his hand in the air.
"oh please Ryry, you and your girlfriend are probably much worse"
I said holding onto Justin's head, I pressed myself into a hug.
"hey Ari you realize you just pressed Justin's head into your boobs right?" Ryan said laughing, I looked down seeing Justin actually pressed against my boobs, I laughed and Justin was smirking lightly. I moved away from him,
"I love you" I said kissing his forehead.
"I love you baby girl" Justin said, His eyes were scared and I was sure mine were to but here we were trying to be the best version of us, Justin looked at me, and the smile he gave me made my heart tug, I hugged myself closer to him. It was a good place to be, no matter how hard it sometimes gets.
"I know its early but I think I love you enough to spend my whole life with you" I whispered
"I know I love you enough" he said running a hand through my hair softly.
"dude you guys never cut the crap" Ryan said with a disgusted look on his face, my laughter rang through the room as I grabbed Justin kissing him on the lips quickly before getting up and leaning over to kiss Ryan's cheek.
"I love you guys" I said going into the kitchen and grabbing a cake from the fridge.
"celebrations for my babies" I said excitedly as I ran over setting it on the table.
"no running" Justin said
"why" me and Ryan asked at the same time.
"because you know, its bad for the baby" he said blushing
Me and Ryan started laughing as Justin shook his head. I hugged him softly,
"you're amazing" I said
"yea Justin you're prefect, we're in love with you" Ryan said mimicking a girly voice.
"shut up bro" Justin said pushing Ryan playfully.
I laughed at them and started cutting the cake, I felt calm now, Justin was going to be by my side so I didn't have to go through this alone, the person I loved most was gonna be there for me.

my babies are having a baby... Or babies... Lol actually idk but we'll see. The new story, I hope you guys liked it.
Thank you for the comments and votes, love you guys

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