She Had Us Fooled

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Ariana's POV:

I woke up feeling like my head weighed a ton, I opened my eyes wincing from the sudden light. I realized then that I wasn't in my bed, I got up quickly and looked around, oh no oh on I couldn't have slept with someone last night, I looked down at my clothes seeing I was in a tshirt and I heard the water running in the shower. I got up hitting myself on the head and looking around for my clothes. I saw my dress placed neatly on the chair. I rushed over to it talking to myself, stripping off the shirt I was wearing.

"oh my God what have I done what have I done, Justin is going to hate me so bad"

"why would I hate you" the voice I'd come to love so much said from behind me, I stopped in my rush to get my dress on and turned around seeing Justin standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist, I bit my lip at his toned stomach and his light hair dripping with water. I really just wanted to jump him.

"I didn't sleep with a random guy" I said sighing

"you didn't sleep with anyone Ari" he said grabbing his clothes and walking back into the bathroom, I realized I was naked and I rolled my eyes at myself pulling my dress on. I fixed the bed and walked into the living room finding my shoes.

"Yo Justin" a blonde guy said opening the door. I looked over at him and he saw me standing there,

"oh hey Ariana" he said and I gave him a look.

"and you are" I asked wondering how he knew me.

"That's Ryry Ari" Justin said walking out of the room.

Both of them burst into laughter as they hugged.

"Am I missing something" I asked pointedly

"well you showed up here last night pretty drunk and I found you in the lobby and took you up to Justin's since you asked if I knew him and I told you my name was Ryan and then you nicknamed me Ryry and gave me a kiss on the cheek" Ryan said looking at me with a slight smirk on his face. I groaned covering my face and went over to Justin hitting him on the chest. He grabbed my arms swiftly pulling me in for a hug. He let me go biting his lip and moved away putting his shoes on.

"so Ari I'll drive you home ok" Justin said looking at me.

"thanks Justin" I said wanting nothing more than to kiss him.

"aye i'm going with you guys" Ryan said staring at us.

"sure bro if its ok with Ariana" Justin said grabbing a water bottle.

"Ariana loves Ryry, she won't mind" Ryan said and Justin snickered.

"you're not gonna let me forget that" I stated

"nope" Ryan said laughing. I shook my head walking over to the door. We all walked down and Justin opened the door of his range. I got in the front forcing Ryan to sit in the back. I gave them both gum and sat in silence listening to them talk about sports and cars.


We got to my building and went up to my condo, Ryan complimented it sweetly. I walked into my room and changed into Jeans, a black midriff and flip flops. I walked back out where Justin and Ryan were sitting at the island drinking Cola. I laughed and they turned to look at me.

"made yourselves at home boys" I grinned and they both laughed. The door rang and I ran to the door jumping over a cushion. Justin yelled behind me,

"we have a winner" I laughed and opened the door, my laugh ending quickly. I placed my hands on my hips,

"what do you want Kyle" I said rudely

"to say sorry for being a jerk and doing that revenge thing, it was all stupid and I shouldn't have gotten into it, i'm sorry" he said and my confused expression didn't get past him.

"what" he asked

"what revenge thing" I said coldly

"you know, the blonde chick getting revenge on you and Justin" he said and I got even more confused, how did Kyle know that Katrina had faked a pregnancy.

"how would you know anything about it" I shouted. Kyle gave me a look that said what the hell do you mean.

"Ariana, what's going on" Justin said coming into the hallway, followed my Ryan. He gave Kyle a glare then turned to me,

"what's wrong" he asked, Ryan was leaning against the wall.

"he- he knows about Katrina faking her pregnancy" I yelled  Justin turned to look at Kyle, his features hardening.

"what" he said

Kyle raised his hands,

"I don't know anything about a fake pregnancy" he said giving us both weird looks.

"that's the revenge thing that Katrina did Kyle" I said

"no" he said simply, I looked at him waiting for an explanation,

"she came to me like a week after we saw them at the mall and said she'd gotten my address from you" he said looking at us and then I remembered the weird conversation I'd had with Katrina.


"hey Katrina" I said 2 days after the incident at the mall.

"hey Ari" she said through the phone

"what's up" I asked

"nothing babe but hey where does that Kyle guy live" she asked

"um across the hall from me, why" I laughed

"nothing, but my friend was telling me about this Kyle guy who lived next to her and she just described him like the one you were with that's all" she answered

"oh ok" I said suspicious but not in the mood to push.

"see you babe, bye" she said, I didn't know what that was but I also didn't care so I didn't push it.

~End Of Flashback~

"so she came over and said she knew you guys were cheating and she said she wanted me to get back at you so we you know had sex" Kyle said looking at me and my mouth dropped open, I didn't believe it. I looked over at Justin who was just standing there in shock.

"she had us fooled" I whispered

"dammit" Justin screamed punching the wall and walking back inside with Ryan running after him. I closed the door in Kyle's face and leaned against the door.

What the fuck had I just found out?


THE TWIST, lol ok thank you guys for voting and commenting. Tell me what you guys think.

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