Chapter 25

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Y/Ns point of view

We are at the beach setting up all the blankets and stuff. It wasn't packed and we got a little spot for all of us. I love this.

I looked around to see Dinah chasing ally and Lauren throwing a sea shell at a bird, while Normani tried to do a flip and almost broke her back. I can't wait to have children of my own.

"Isn't this nice?" Camila said as she sat down next to me and I nodded and smiled at her. "I'm sorry about your nose Y/N"

"It's fine babe. Don't worry about it" I said and she ran her finger over it.

"It's swollen. I didn't mean to slam the door on your face. Well at least not that hard" she said making me laugh.

She stood quiet and just looked at the girls as they went into the water. She was really quiet and that's when I knew something was wrong.

"What happened? Why aren't you talking?" I asked her and she shook her head. Not even saying anything.

"Please tell me. I'm your fiancé, you HAVE to tell me" I said grabbing her hand and showing her the ring. She laughed before looking back at me.

"My dad called. He wants to see us both" she said but I wasn't really surprised. If he wants to see us than, what the hell?

"Then let's go see him" I threw my hands up slightly.

"I just don't think that you guys should be talking right now. He literally tried to get you arrested, you know" she explained and I shook my head.

"Yeah I remember that. It's in the past though" I said and she smiled at me before leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Can you get any more perfect?"

"FUCK!!! DINAHH PLEASE!!!!" Ally yelled really loud as she ran from Dinah.

"ALLYSON HERNANDEZ!! Watch you mouth!!" Camila yelled as she got up and started chasing after them.

I chuckled before getting up and walking towards Lauren. She was sitting on a rock with her legs crossed and a book on her lap. Typical Lauren.

"Hey lauser. You ok?" I asked and she looked up at me and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking abut what me and Lucy might do for our first date" she said and her cheeks got red.

"See I told you. You guys are perfect for each other" I nudged her and she smiled.

"I mean we are pretty different but we make it work you know?"

"That's good" I said and we just looked around for a second. "Your gonna be an auntie soon"

"WHAT! Camila's pregnant!?" She asked all excited scaring the shit out of me.

"No but we are gonna try. We think it's the perfect time" I said and her eye lit up.

"That's awesome. You could have me, Dinah, ally and Mani babysit for you. I really wouldn't mind" she said opening her book again.

"Sounds like a plan" I patted her back before standing up and walking towards Normani and Camila.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked as I looked at them. Camila's skinny ass was holding Normanis legs up while she did a hand stand.

"Shush. We're trying to CONCENTRATE!!" Mani scolded me and I put my hands up and walked away.

I walked back to our blankets and sat down. Dinah and Ally sat next to me out of breath and I looked at them weird.

"At first we were just chasing eat other but then this lady's dog go loose so me and smallz over here" Dinah put her hand in ally's head. "Decided to try to catch it. I mean we did but Jesus dogs are really fast like I fell about 8 time" she finished her rant and I just smiled.

"Damn Y/N. You look hit. Your face is ugly" Normani said as she sat down with Camila.

"Thank Mani. I love you too" I blew her a kiss and she laughed.

"Can I ask you guys for a favor?" Camila said to the girls and I looked at her weirdly. "Can you guys watch the dog and Carson this weekend? We are going out"

"What?" I said but no one paid any attention to me.

"I want to have a weekend where it's just me and Y/N you know? This weekend?"

"Why was I not informed about this?" I said and she just waved me off.

"And now the baby making starts" Lauren said as she walked over to us and everyone's head snapped to her.

"Wait what? You guys are having baby?" Normani asked.

"Who's having a baby?" We heard Carson come out of nowhere. He wasn't even with us.

"Camila's having a baby" Dinah said.

"I'm not having a baby" she said.

"But Lauren just said your having a baby!" Ally said.

"But we aren't though" I said.

"But Dinah just told me that Lauren said that Y/N told her that you guys are having a baby" Carson said and I put my face in my hands.

I think I'm having second thoughts on the kids.

"Jesus no, we are TRYING to have a baby. But right now no one is pregnant!" Camila said and everyone nodded.

"Wait I'm fucking confused. Y'all confusing my three brain cells. Are you having a baby or not because you do look a little bigger?" Dinah said and I threw my head back.

"What? No, I mean yes. Wait what?" Camila said confusing herself and the rest of us. "I'm not pregnant yet. But I want to"

"Ohhh ok. Cool. So my mom wants me home so I have to go. Ally your driving me!!" Dinah said as she grabbed Ally and left.

"Yeah I have to go also. Me and Lucy have something to do. And Mani need to help me so let's go. And yes I'll babysit or dog sit or whatever bye" Lauren said as she and Mani walked off.

Jesus this day is weird.

————————————————————I'm hungry asf n there's no foooood💀 I also haven't been proof reading soooo ily

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