Chapter 10

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(Can we please just take a second to appreciate this fucking sexy Cuban beauty!!!)

Y/Ns point of view

I sat at the table mad as ever because Carson's pig ass dad wants to start problems and just get shit brewing.

"So what are we ordering?" Carson asked and I kept my head down. Camila squeezed my thigh and I looked up at her. She gave me those 'it's ok' eyes.

"We are getting wings, fries, maybe some slices of pizza, burgers and some shrimp" Matthew told the waiter and my eyes widened.

"Matt that's a lot" Camila said and he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's fine, it's for all of us" he said and I looked as Camila who rolled her eyes.

"Do you eat any of that?" She asked. "Yeah but I'm not hungry, you guys eat" I said and she gave me a peck on the lips.

About 15 minutes later the food came and they all started eating while I just sipped my water. Matthew ate the most which I really wasn't complaining about. After they all finished eating Matthew got up and was about to walk away.

"Woah woah, your not gonna pay for your food!?" I asked and he laughed. "No you can pay for it" he said walking away again and I grabbed his wrist. "No, you ordered all this fucking food so your gonna pay for it. I didn't even eat so I'm definitely not paying for it"

"Well then you should've ate" he said. "I've got it, sorry about him" his wife said. I didn't want her feeling like shit because her husbands a prick.

"Naw it's cool, I've got it" I said taking my wallet out and putting a hundred dollar bill on the table. I did it while staring at Matthew and the dumbass smirk on his face.

"Dad your such an ass, pay for the food or we're leaving" Carson said and I looked confused. I thought he would've been on his dads side.

"What did you say to me?" Matthew said as he stepped up to his son. "Don't get smart with me, and don't curse. Your a child! 16! You don't talk to your father like that"

"I get to speak however I want, especially when when my dad is a fucking asshole. Your not my dad, your just the person that helped make me. There's a difference between a father and a sperm donor" Carson said and my mouth dropped.

Next thing I knew Matthew hit him. I jumped up and grabbed Matthew by his shirt. I punched him once before throwing him on the ground.

"The fuck is wrong with you!!" I yelled as Matthew was on the floor holding his nose. "Don't ever put your fucking hands on him ever again!"

"Y/N please not here. Let's just go home" Camila said as she grabbed my arm. I walked to Carson and made sure his face was ok before we left.

We got in the car and I was fucking pissed. I didn't want to talk at all because of how mad I was.

"Baby please talk to me" Camila said grabbing my hand and squeezing it. "I'm sorry about that"

"Stop apologizing. You didn't even do anything" I said and she squeezed my hand again.

"Please don't be mad" she said leaning her head on my shoulder and I just stood quiet.

"I'm sorry Y/N" Carson said and I huffed. They literally didn't even do anything, why the fuck do they keep apologizing.

"Jesus you guys are so alike" I huffed and the both laughed causing me to crack a smile.

"LOOK SHES SMILING!!" Camila yelled and me and Carson laughed. "NOW SHES LAUGHING!!"

"Ok ok calm down" I said making both of them giggle.

"You guys are so cute, like I really ship this" Carson said and smiled. "Have y'all fucked?" Carson then asked and I choked.

"CARSON!!" Camila yelled. "That's none of your business now stop asking questions"

"I KNEW IT!!!" He yelled causing me to jump. "Y'all have fucked, when am I getting a baby brother or sister" he said and I pulled the car over and got out. I started choking again.

"Oh my god Carson I'm not pregnant!" I heard Camila yell.

"Yeah not yet" Carson said with a smirk. I looked at him through the window before gettin back in the car.

"You'll probably have to wait a year or two before you get a sibling" I said trying to steady my breathing.

"Oh my god thats wayyyyy to long!!!" He said and I laughed.

I definitely want to have a baby with Camila but I think it's to soon and I'm still pretty young. I promise I'll give Camila another baby they just gonna have to wait.

————————————————————wtf should I do wit this story?! I feel like it's getting boring😂

Milf and MoneyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora