Chapter 7

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Y/Ns point of view

"Mom stop locking the door!!!" I woke up to the sound of Carson's voice and banging on the bedroom door. Camila sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Can you go open the door?" I told her as I looked at the time. 7:00?!? I'm gonna be late for school. "Shit I'm gonna be late for school" I said as I put in the spare clothes I left here just in case I ever needed them. Thank god I left my book bag in my locker.

(Outfit below)

"I'll see you later baby" I said giving her a quick peck on the lips and opened the door

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"I'll see you later baby" I said giving her a quick peck on the lips and opened the door. I came face to face with Carson.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked with a confused face.

"I had to get something I left here, come on let's go before we are late" I said as we walked downstairs. We got in my car and I drove as fast as I could to school before we were late. We got in the building before we were late and went right to our classes.

I walked into first period and sat in the second table by myself. I took out my book and opened to the page the teacher told us too before someone sat next to me.

"Hey Y/N" Dubs said as he sat next to me and I smiled. I kept doing my work until I heard the teacher clear her throat.

"Lauren, Dinah, Normani. You guys are late" the teacher said and they all huffed and me and Dubs laughed.

"Wow Y/N all four of you guys can go to the office now" she said and I rolled my eyes and placed my finished paper on her desk before walking out with the girls.

"How's it going with you and Camila?" Lauren asked and I smiled at the sound of her name.

"We're good, I'm happy and she's happy. That's all the matters, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend soon" I said and they all made an 'aww' sound.

"You guys are literally couple goals" Dinah and Normani said and I laughed. We got in the office and sat their and talked until the start of next period.

-(lunch time)

"Yo sis, wait up" I heard Carson say and I turned around to see him running towards me. "What are you doing after school?"

"My girlfriends house" I said and when I noticed what said it I covered my hand with my mouth.

"Girlfriend? When were you gonna tell me?" He asked as we sat at our table.

"Well me and her aren't official so I don't know" I said as I shrugged my shoulders. I took a bite of my Burger as the girls came over.

"Yo Y/N you wanna go to the movies after school?" Dinah asked and I shook my head. "No I'm busy"

"Yeah with her girlfriend" Carson said and the girls acted surprised like they didn't know already. "Hey what's her name anyway?" He asked and my eyes widened as I looked at the girls. They had their eyes wide also.

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