Chapter 11

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Clint POV

Katie hasn't met the team yet.

That didn't occur to me till we were driving into the parking garage at Stark Tower. I told Katie she would be staying with me and I assumed she put one and two together and knew Nat was going to be there. But she didn't know the team.

As far as I know, Thor is still visiting Jane. I hope he's still there, I really don't feel like explaining this to an Asgardian; it'd be like explaining it to a five year old. Thor was talking about inviting Jane to live with us over the phone yesterday, so if sheias there, she'd help me explain it to him.

I get the feeling that Katie will end up getting frustrated with Thor easily, just like me. But whenever he wasn't being frustrating, I figure they'd get along fine. She may even be fascinated with him being from another realm or whatever it's called.

I don't know how she would react to Tony. She knows him as the jerk who blurted out that I am her father, her words not mine. I assume he'd be a jackass about all this and so far, I haven't been proven wrong.

Bruce seems supportive about all this and come on, who doesn't love Bruce and the Hulk? He may even help her with homework and stuff, if she's still in school. Does she go school? I have no idea.

And then there's Steve. I'm really not too worried about Tony screwing this up, more than I'm worried about Steve's reaction to this. He is from an entirely different era where you had to be married to be intimate. Ellie and I weren't married. I think he might find it odd and blurt out something 1940s ish. But other than that I think Katie might like him.

I don't express any of this to Nat as we get out of the car because it's kind of too late now. She is still acting weird but seems more like herself today. She still isn't saying much, but that's totally Nat.

At her apartment, Katie changed out of her assassin garb and into her own clothes. She's wearing a pair of old, faded ripped jeans, a red plaid shirt, and a white beanie over her curly brown hair. This definitely isn't something Ellie would wear, but it suited her.

In total, Katie had four bags; two duffels, a backpack, and her already packed suitcase. I would've thought she'd have more stuff. She left a lot at her apartment, but she didn't seem to care. She also has her skateboard and a small box filled with pictures and documents.

I carry one of her duffel bags and her suit case. Nat carries the other duffel bag and Katie carries her backpack, the box, and her skateboard. We make an odd trio.

"So you live in Stark Tower?" Katie asks as we enter the elevator.

Nat and I exchange glances. Wow, we do that a lot. Guess she hadn't thought the team thing through either.

"Yes," Nat says coolly. "Remember, they don't know anything about us."

Katie smirks at her and says, "My lips are sealed." Nat resistes the urge to roll her eyes and I laugh.

The entire team - plus Pepper and Maria - have gathered on the common floor that we all share. Katie looks a little overwhelmed as the doors open. I can't help but cringe when I notice Thor. Jane is standing next to him, but this could still be complicated.

Pepper immediately greets her warmly. She smiles warmly and ushers Katie into the room. Katie looked overwhelmed as she saw the team. Just a couple of days ago, their mission was to take her out and now they're welcoming her into their home.

Pepper took her stuff and placed it on the floor by the elevator and went on introducing her to the rest of the team.

"This is Tony," she says motioning to her boyfriend. "But I think you already know him. Let's move on." She makes it quite clear that she doesn't want Tony to open his mouth, but he clearly has other ideas.

"Let's not be so quick to judge," he says. "I've been told by a certain individual, Pepper, that I need to apologise for blurting out that Clint is your father." He says Pepper in such a way that it made it clear that she is the one who told him. "So, I'm throwing you a welcome party." As if on cue, a group of caterers enter the room with large platters of food.

"Tony," Pepper says in a warning tone. "We didn't talk about this."

He smiles down at her, "I didn't think we needed to. Barton, bring your kids things down to your apartment. I set up a room for her."

I'm hesitant to leave Katie. Natasha must have sensed this because she lookes at me like, I'll watch her. Go, it's fine.

I nod and pick up all her stuff as best as I can. Nat and I clearly share an apartment. Tony had purposefully made it that way, thinking we were together (which he wasn't wrong). Nat and I pretended to be upset, but we were fine with it.

The apartment is far more modern than any other place I'd ever lived. The only real personal touch we've made are the souvenirs from our around the world missions. This place felt more like home than any other place on earth.

I figure the room Stark set up was in the guest room across the hall from us. I wasn't wrong. There are three guest rooms in our little apartment, one of which we converted into an office.

Katie's room has yet to be painted. There is an elegant looking desk, a bed with a white comforter, a bean bag chair, and an empty book shelf. I really hope she likes it.

I place her things by the door and hurry back upstairs. The elevator doors open to reveal Katie, Thor, Natasha, and Steve lounging on the couch. I can see Jane and Pepper shooing away the caterers. Maria and Tony sit at the bar getting drinks.

"You are not Lady Natasha's daughter, Katie Moss?" Thor is asking. I mentally winced at what is definitely coming.

"No, I'm a little young to be her mother, Thor," Natasha says, clearly annoyed.

"My apologies, ladies," Thor says. "I did not realise there was another woman in the life of the archer."

"Ellie and I broke up a long time ago," I say, entering the room.

"We're you married?" Steve asks. I winced because I'd been expecting this question.

"No," he say.

"Can you tell me about her?" Katie asks. She looks almost shy, like she is afraid to ask the question. I guess she would've only been four when Ellie died.

"Sure, kid," I say. "What do you want to know?"

"Anything really I guess," Katie says looking down. "I didn't know her and I mostly grew up with my aunt Rosie and she hated my mom."

"Rosie?" I ask before bursting out laughing. "Oh god that laddie hated me. She's so miserable."

"You have no idea," Katie grins. "She's the worst at Christmas time."

"That's weird. Your mom loved Christmas," I tell her.

Katie smiles at me kindly. It's the first time she's done that. I guess it'll take some time for her to come around to the idea of me being her dad and stuff, but I think I like having her as my daughter and I really want this to work.

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