Chapter 6

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Natasha POV

I walk up to Clint and stand next to him by the window. He looks so unhappy, it honnestly breaks my heart. To comfort him and get him ready to talk to me, I do the little gestures of affection that we eallow ourselves to do in public.

I run my hand down his back gently and briefly lay my head on his shoulder. I mirror his position with my arms crossed over my chest and stand as close to him as I dared in public. We both know that if we stand even a few inches too close, people will be suspicious.

"I messed up big time, didn't I?" he asks

I don't answer at first. I look through the one-way glass at his daughter. Katie is a pretty girl yet she barely resembled Clint. Her hair occasionally has a strip of what looks like natural sandy blond hair and her eyes. They're his eyes. The same shape and the same dark blue, not Loki's blue but a blue that was distinctly Clint. She also inherited his abnormally tiny ears. I wonder if that effects her listening ability like it affects Clint's.

Right now, Katie is fast asleep. Her head is resting on her arms on top of the metal table. She looks so peaceful for a killer; it reminds me of what Clint looks like when he is sleeping.

I take in a deep breath and answer Clint's question, "Yeah, you did."

He sighs loudly, "Nat, I'm sorry."

By the sounds of things, we're both keeping secrets from each other. I'm not exactly sure which is worse - Clint's daughter or the baby. Yeah, I'm pregnant. It's something I never in my wildest dream imagined would ever happen. I was sure the Red Room had made me infertile, but apparently not.

"Who's Ellie Moss?" I ask.

"Ellie Moss," he whispers shaking his head. "Do you want the short or detailed explanation?"

"I want to know everything," I tell him coolly. I'm mad now, everything just seems to be going wrong.

"Ellie and I met a year before I joined SHIELD," he sits down so his back is leaning against the wall under the window. I sit down beside him with our shoulder touching. "She was the only person who knew I was an assassin for hire other than my various employers. She tried to get me to quit, so I did it behind her back and had a day job as a waiter in a café.

"We started going out after she thought I stopped being an assassin. We moved in together. After dating for three months and became intimate."

"I really didn't need to know that," I tell him.

He glares at me before resuming his story. "About of month before I joined SHIELD, Ellie found out I was still working as an assassin. She freaked out and broke out with me. She moved out and I never saw her again. She was my last girlfriend before I met you."

"Are you saying that you didn't know about Katie?" I ask.

"I had no idea," he admits. "She moved away, I didn't know where. She never called, she never sent me an email, and she never came back. I found out she died about thirteen years ago. That's all I know, there was nothing in her file about Katie though."

I'm shocked; I should've known he wasn't keeping secrets from me. I smile slightly and rest my head against his shoulder. I don't care if anyone walks by and sees us acting like a couple. I just want to be close to my husband. Anyway, this was how he and I would act before we got together. It is possible for two people of the opposite sex to be friends.

"Clint, I -" I start but he cuts me off.

"No Tasha, just listen," he says. "I was heartbroken when Ellie left, I thought it was the end of my world. And then, I met a certain red headed assassin and I changed my mind. Ellie never really cared for our relationship, she just liked the money I had from being an assassin, but liked thinking I wasn't an assassin. It would have never worked her and me. You and I, on the other hand, have something completely different."

I find myself blinking back tears. Damn hormones, I think to myself. I can't cry in front of him. Not now that we we're in public and not when he didn't know, anyway. I give him a small smile a choke out. "That is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me."

He looks over at me and his eyes widen, "Natasha? Are you crying?"

"No, I don't think so." I check my cheeks for any stray tears. They're dry, but I can feel my eyes stinging.

"Sorry, I thought you were crying for a second there," he says.

"Please don't be sorry," I whisper.

We sit there for a minute in silence, my head resting on his shoulder and his head resting against the wall. We're both so tired; it would be so easy just to fall asleep like this...

"What do we have here?" the annoying voice of Tony Stark interrupts our peaceful moment. "Clintasha?"

"What?" we both ask simultaneously.

"It's a mixture of both of your names, Clint and Tasha," Tony says with a smirk. He comes over and sits down on my left with his shoulder touching mine.

"Three things, Stark," I say coolly. "One, don't ever call us that again. We're just friends. Two, don't call me Tasha. Three, don't touch me."

Tony immediately recoils and sits a good few inches away. "Who pissed your coffee?" he murmurs under his breath.

I let that one slide. If I get him for every single one, he would think it's funny and just keep bugging me.

"So, what's the deal with the kid?" he asks.

"Katie?" Clint says. "Bruce is doing a blood test to see if she really is my daughter. She looks like she's the right age and unless her mom was cheating on me, I'm pretty sure she's my kid."

"Congrats, Barton," Stark says reaching around me and pating him on the back. "You've successfully reproduced a crazy assassin daughter that will no doubt cause you a tone of trouble."

We both glare at the billionaire; he's really getting on my nerves today.

"Has she been interrogated yet?" I ask Clint.

"No, I'm planning on doing that once Bruce has done the blood test," he tells us.

"Good luck with that," Tony says.

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