Chapter 20

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Clint POV

Happy Birthday to me, I sing as my alarm goes off as at four in the morning.

Natasha groans beside me as she curls back up beside me. I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead.

"Turn it off and let's sleep for a couple more hours," She grumbles into my shoulder.

I chuckle slightly as I stroke her hair. She snuggles up closer to me. I really could sleep for the next two weeks. Everything has been so stressful lately and neither of have gotten much sleep in the past few days. However, we need to be at the base to get ready to get this plan under way.

"Sorry, sweetheart," I push myself up on the bed and she rolls over in bed.

"Don't call me that, ass," She mumbles into her pillow. "I'm not sweet and hearts are dumb."

I laugh as I pull on a t-shirt, "Okay, Nat. You need to get up though, you take way longer than I do."

Natasha lifts her head off of the mattress and makes eye contact with me. "If I don't wear makeup and do my hair, can I sleep for another hour?"


Natasha is drop dead gorgeous with or without make up. For some reason, she prefers to wear make up and not just on her face. She spends a long time every morning applying make up in order to hide her scars, just in case.

Of course I've seen them and I think they're perfect. It's the only thing that she's self-conscious about. I don't know why she feels like she has to put that much effort into looking good.

So, when she says to me, she's not going to wear makeup, I know something isn't right.

"Did you seriously just say that?" I ask.

She lifts her head from her pillow slightly, "I might have..."

"What's going on?" I ask. She groans very loudly as she drags herself into a sitting position. She slouches as soon as she's sitting and looks up at me with tired eyes.

"Clint, it's nothing," she tells me with a sigh. "I'll get dressed and put make up on and look pretty. Happy?"

Her sass takes me by surprise. I narrow my eyes at her as stretches. Something's different, but I can't put my finger on it quite yet. She notices me watching her and raises her eye brow at me critically. Why is she acting so mean?

"What?" She demands.

"Nothing, dear," I remark sarcastically as I walk towards the closet. I don't know what's gotten into her, but I don't want it to ruin my good mood on my birthday. And I need to be on a good one today.

I'm turning thirty eight today and to me it's depressing. It didn't seem like a long time ago I was staying up all night partying with girls or chasing after gangs. After my last chase with Katie, I've been really feeling like an old man. Not that my aging has ever been a secret, at the same time though, I always though it would be a few more years before I started feeling like an old man. I can still kick most young guys' butts, but I need to be more conscious that I'm not in my twenties anymore.

I hear the closet door glide open and Nat stands there looking down. She looks so small and vulnerable, I rarely get to see her like this. As much as I hate to admit it, it makes me feel like the man in our relationship.

I step forward and place two fingers under her chin to force her to look up at me. She gives me a small smile, "Happy birthday, Clint."

I smile back and lean down to kiss her. She sighs into the kiss and I couldn't agree more. The kiss feels like home. I know that she loves me, she doesn't say it very often, but at moments like these there's no denying it. There's only so much you can say, which makes actions so much more effective.

"Thanks," I mutter when we pull apart. she grins back at me as she slips past me to get to her wardrobe.

Today is the day we out Fury's plan into motion. Just under two weeks of planning and prep and we're ready to go. It's not going to be easy, but I think we can pull it off. That is if everyone sticks to the plan. I know that some people have their doubts about Katie, but she is more than capable to carry out the plan, I hope.

Natasha slips on a pair of jeans and a black tank top. She's been put on backup for this mission as well. The reason for these assignments have yet to be made clear to me, but I'm hoping they will be soon.

She leaves the closet and makes her way to the bathroom. I'm getting my weapons in order when I hear it. A horrible, horrible sound. Natasha's throwing up in the bathroom.

I run as fast I can towards her and run straight into the door when I get there, she locked me out.

"Natasha!" I call out, pending my fist on the door. I hear another wrenching sound and I wince. "Natasha! Let me in!"

"Clint, I'm sorry!" She calls back, but as far as I can tell, she makes no move to unlock the door.

"Natasha, I will kick in this door if you don't answer it in the next three seconds!" I threaten.

I hear her sigh and the door slowly swings open. Sweat coats her forehead as she leans against the wall the next to the door. I fall down to my knees next to her.

"Are you okay?" I demand, checking her forehead for a fever.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," she reassures me, swatting my hand away.

I think for a minute before my eyes widen. "Nat, are you pregnant?"

She looks up at me sleepily and smiles, "Happy birthday?"

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