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Clint POV

A crying baby wakes me up shortly after seven.

I blame Kate, she's usually up by now and most definitely made too much noise.

"You're turn," Natasha mumbles as she rolls over. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night with a crying baby if it lets Nat get a few more minutes of sleep. Even months after giving birth, she's exhausted.

I groan loudly as I roll out bed and walk into the nursery. My little buddy is sitting up in his crib, tears streaming down his cheeks. Jack Phillip Barton is only three months old now and he has every one in the bloody tower hooked.

He has my eyes, my smile, and my nose. And then, he has Natasha's hair and personality; according to me that is.

"What are you doing, bud?" I ask, picking him out of his crib. He immediately stops crying and cuddles into my chest. So, Kate had woken him up and there was no way he was going to go back to sleep.

I walk us into the kitchen and roll my eyes. Kate is dressed in her school uniform, dancing around the kitchen with music blasting from her phone. I smirk slightly when I recognize the artist.

"I didn't know you were a Hole fan," I say taking a seat at the island.

She jumps slightly and spins around with a beagle hanging out of her mouth. "Love them," she says with the beagle still in her mouth as she reaches for an empty cup to pour me coffee.

"I do too," I say accepting the cup of coffee from her. "I don't listen to them often, Natasha doesn't like them."

"What?" Kate laughs slightly as she sips her coffee.

"She doesn't like Courtney Love, but if she doesn't know it's her, she likes them," I explain.

Kate laughs, "What is wrong with her?"

"What are you two talking about?" Natasha asks as she enters the room yawning. In her arms is Alina Lisa Barton, Jack's twin.

"Things that are wrong with you," Kate says, shrugging slightly as she pours Nat a cup of coffee.

"That's always a fun conversation," Natasha says as she slides into a seat next to me. I note the slight edge to her voice.

"She didn't want to sleep?" I ask, gesturing to Alina.

"No, I think you woke her up when you went into to get Jack," she explains.

"Sorry," I say, reaching over to stroke my little girl's cheek. She coos back at me. Her and Jack look the same, same red hair and eyes. If they were the same gender, it would be hard to tell them apart.

"Sorry I woke Jack up and didn't get him," Kate says, finishing off her beagle. "I'm running late, I forgot about an assignment and had to finish it this morning."

"No problem, sweetheart," I wave her off as I stroke Jack's cheek slightly. It was rare for the five of us to get moments together in the morning, which makes this one special.

"Do you want me to walk with you to school this morning?" I ask, shifting Jack on my lap slightly.

Kate raises an eyebrow and says, "Sure, but you need to hurry. I'm already running late."

I pass Jack to Nat and rush to my room to get dressed and put on my "disguise". When I come out, Natasha is sitting on the couch with Jack and Kate is laying on her back on the floor playing with Alina.

I smile at my family as I pull my phone out to take a picture of the moment.

"Really?" Natasha asks, looking over at me with tired eyes and messy hair.

"Why not, beautiful?" I ask, leaning down to kiss her forehead. I kiss Jack on the forehead and then pick Alina off Kate's lap. I kiss her sweet little head.

"Give her to me," Natasha says, opening her arm.

I pass Alina to her and lean down to peck her lips, "I love you."

"I love you, too," she says, smiling against my lips.

"Yes, we all love each other," Kate says from the elevator. "We have to go, Hawkeye."

"Fine, let's go, Hawkeye," I smirk and follow my oldest. She waves over to Nat and her siblings and we're off.

Kate decided to go back to school to get her degree. After that, what she decides to do is still up to debate. Natasha and I both think she may end up a SHIELD agent.

Her cover - because if you search the name Kate Bishop, a dead girl with Kate's face pops up - is my favourite one yet.

She took a year off school to spend it with her terminally ill mother before moving in with her non-Avenger father and non-Avenger step-mother. She took her grade eleven year condensed and just started her twelfth. Her name, Kat Barton.

I love having her around and getting to know her. Kate's been exceptionally helpful with the twins and back when Nat was still pregnant. Always willing to lend a helping hand and just being there.

Nat's pregnancy was especially stressful for us. There was a constant risk of miscarriage or something to go wrong during the birth. 

We all expected Kate to have some problems, maybe feeling like she was being replaced, especially after her reaction to finding out Natasha was pregnant.

She was surprisingly okay. Happy to help and excited to have a baby around. Her and Natasha's relationship grew into a very strong bond. And the team considers her a very valuable addition.

I reach into my pocket as I feel a text come in. I look down and smirk. 

"Maria just texted me," I say, looking over at my daughter how is practically jogging ahead of me. "Steve wants to know if you two are training tonight."

"I already told him I would," she smirks, waving me off. "Maybe I'll train him to use a cell phone."

I laugh as we round the corner to her school. I smile down at her and wrap her into a one armed hug, "See you soon, Kate," I whisper.

"Bye, Dad," she answers and walks off.

I watch her run up the steps with a smile on my face. A girl yells, "Kit Kat!" and Kate walks up to a small group of people.

It amazes me how much has changed.

This is not end, my one-shot thingy is coming out soon and then this will be continued. Keep an eye out for it and leave a review.

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