Chapter 9

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Natasha POV

Within two days, Clint had Fury convinced it was fine to take Katie home to the tower. He promised she would be under constant observation and would behave. I even watched Katie shake hands with the director and swear that she wouldn't harm anyone. Even with all the Avengers in one place, Fury was still concerned. Upon Maria suggestion, he allowed her to move into the tower.

I have a very strong feeling Maria doesn't just want to be in the Tower to keep an eye on Clint's daughter. Since the day I ran into Steve on my way to find Clint, they have been inseparable. I wonder if he's kissed her yet.

I haven't been to the tower since before our mission. Clint wouldn't leave, so I decided to stay with him. To keep myself occupied, I filled in every single paper that Maria had deleted off of my file. It was exhausting.

Now that I was carrying a baby, I find everything to be exhausting. Walking a block to get a cup of coffee; filling out a sheet that only took five minutes; even taking a shower. I'm only seven weeks in; I don't even want to imagine what it will be like in a couple of months. Im hoping it's all psychological.

Clint still didn't know. He's been with Katie most of time and is now agreeing with my, "you have a daughter to deal with right now". Now that I'm ready to tell him, he doesn't want to know. So I've made a plan to tell him on his birthday in eight days. I can keep this a secret for eight days, right?

Clint and I promised Katie we'd bring her to her apartment before we went home. She refused to wear anything but her own clothes or her assassin catsuit. So, she looks like a crazed assassin walking to our car parked a block away, minus the weapons. The only thing Fury refused to give back to her, were her weapons. She was pissed and complained that she didn't have any other ones in her apartment. Fury didn't care.

Katie sits in the back seat and I get shotgun. Clint is by far the best driver I know, I prefer to drive if I can, but I usually ended up giving Clint a heart attack. I admit that I drive way too fast and I've found ways around almost every traffic law out there. I have more tickets than I can count and SHIELD has paid for all of them.

There is an awkward silence in the car. In the past few days, Clint tried really hard to get to know Katie, but she just gave him short, indirect answers. I'd only introduced myself to her yesterday and she barely even said five words to me.

"So," Clint says trying to break to silence. "Any boyfriends I should know about?"

Both Katie and I did a face palm. That is something so un-Clint like to ask. I want to laugh, but I'm still not sure of how much emotion I can show with Katie around.

"I haven't dated anyone in a year," she says. "I think you're good."

"Oh, ok," Clint says looking straight ahead.

It goes back to being quite again. Katie gives Clint directions to her apartment and he follows without a single question. It struck me that she could be leading us to a trap and Clint would just go along with it.

"What about you?" she asks after a while. "What's going on between you to?"

"We're just partners," we both say at the same time. I have to keep myself from blushing, but Clint goes beat red. It's kind of cute, actually.

"Bull," she says sassily. She talks and acts like Clint, I smirk inwardly. And it's so true. With her sarcastic personality and the way she holds herself. They may not look alike, but I can tell Katie is his daughter. "I see the way you look at each other, there's obviously something going on here."

We look at each other. We can't communicate telepathically, but we know each other so well, people think we can. Right away, I can tell he wants to tell her. I'm not so sure it's a good idea but at the same time, is keeping anything from her a good idea?

"Katie," I turn around in my seat to face her, "what we're about to tell you is confidential. No one knows except Fury, and Coulson, who's dead. You can't tell anyone, do you understand?"

"I won't tell anyone. Cross my heart and hope to die," she swears.

"We're married," Clint and I say at the same time.

Katie's eyes go wide. I've been wondering for a while how she'd react to the news. Her dad, who she didn't even know about, and some girl she barely knows are married. I really hope she doesn't feel like I was replacing her mom. I wonder how she'll react to the baby.

"You know," she says, matter-of-factly, "this is really unexpected. I suspected you were going out, maybe sleeping together, but defiantly not married."

"And why would you say that?" Clint inquires with a chuckle.

"Well, you're like forty-five, and she's like twenty," Katie says. "Most dirty old men aren't married." I have to hold back a laugh.

"I'm not forty-five!" Clint shouts. Clint has been called an old man for years and his age has become a very touchy subject for him. He looks so much older than he actually is, it's not even funny. It's that he was out of shape or unhealthy even, he has just been through so much that his face was worn down, scarred, and is full of wrinkles. I've offered him an exfoliating cream, but he has never accepted it.

"Please tell me you're not older," Katie says in alarm.

"I'm thirty-seven," he snaps. "And she's thirty-two. There's not that much difference in age between us."

"Well, sorry," Katie murmurs sarcastically. I'm really starting to like her more and more.

We pul up to an old looking apartment building, god it's so worn down and is in such a sad site.

"This is your apartment?" Clint asks with disapproval.

"Yeah," she shrugs. "Welcome to the shittiest apartment building in New York City; on the corner of Bankruptcy and Prostitution."

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