Chapter 24

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Clint POV

"You two are so full of crap," a voice says from the elevator.

Natasha and I spin around to see Katie of all people standing by the elevator.

Her arms are crossed over her chest as she scowls over at us, tears sparkling in her eyes. Despite everything, I notice how beautiful she looks tonight. Her hair is pinned back in an elegant braid and she wears a grey and black stripped dress that compliments her figure perfectly.

"Katie, it's not what it looks like," Natasha steps away from me, holding up her hands defensively. "I swear."

"Really?" she asks, pursing her wobbling lips as a tear leaks from her eyes. "You told me you weren't pregnant. And Clint-" She chokes, wrapping her arms around herself. "Clint just said he can't wait to be a dad."

I close my eyes. Now that I hear my words being thrown back at me, I know what I've done. She probably isn't upset about whatever Natasha told her, God knows when, but my last words.

I'm already a father, her father. And I'm acting like she doesn't exist.

Katie steps closer to us, "How can you say it's not what it looks like?"

Natasha sighs, "Katie, I'm sorry I lied to you. I was scared and I panicked, okay? I shouldn't have done that, I know, but please don't take it out on your dad."

"What happened between-" I start, looking between the two women with confusion.

"I caught Natasha puking," Katie tells me, her lips pursed. "And asked her if she was pregnant. She said no."

I look over at my wife. Her eyes are shut tight like she can block out this situation. It's a rare to see my wife this mortified.

"You told me you're infertile," Katie growled.

"Katie-" she starts.

"Don't." Katie snaps. Then she turns to look at me, fury replacing the tears. I've never see her mother look like that, that look was one hundred percent me. "You," she points a finger at me. "Do I mean nothing to you? I am your daughter and you are my father. How can you say that you can't wait to be a dad?"

"Katie," I reach my hand out towards her, but she flinches away. "I know how this looks, and that's not what I meant, I swear."

The hatred in her eyes is unbearable. I feel like she is carving a whole in my chest to tear my heart out. I didn't realize just how much I loved this lost girl until now. Even if I barely knew her, she was my daughter.

My flesh and blood, my family.

And she hates me.

"I don't want to have anything to do with your goddam perfect family!" she shouts. And the words are a slap across the face. "Keep it away from me!"

"Katie!" Natasha and I protest at the same time, but she backs away. Tears form in her eyes, but she refuses to let them fall.

"I can't believe I ever believed we could be a family," she whispered.

She turns and runs towards the elevator. I dash after her, but end up watching as the elevator doors close in my face.

"Dammit!" I shout, pounding my fist against the door. "Jarvis! Get that elevator back here!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but Miss Katie has denied me from listening to your request at this time," Jarvis tells me.

"Shit!" I shout. I need to find her, I can't lose my daughter because I was an asshole.

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