Chapter 7

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Clint POV

Bruce promised me he'd meet me in my office in ten minutes with the result of the blood test. On my way there, Nat and I grab a quick coffee.

I will never understand or like the base's coffee. It's not even liquid half the time; all I can do is add a ton of milk and sugar before it's even close to being bearable. The good thing is, it can keep you awake during anything.

I'm so tired right now, it's even funny at this point. My eyes keep closing and my head feels like it's gonna. My mind is on overload and I'm running on my desire to know the truth. A coffee seems like a great idea Right now.

Nat couldn't agree more, which actually surprised me. She usually can't stand the base's coffee, no matter how much milk and sugar is in it. She usually just drinks a strongly caffeinated tea, today being the exception.

We walk side by side to my office. I'm rarely ever in my office, even if I'm working at base. I usually do my half-ass attempts at reports at the tower and don't really have any reason to be in my office ever.

When Nat and I were living at SHIELD, our offices were our safe havens away from each other. Because we both lived together, we had a mutual agreement that we would never lock each other out.

Our offices were on opposite sides of the building, which is either very unfortunate or the best thing ever. Whenever we were in a good mood, we would work together in my office. If not, we would have three floors to separate our rage. I'm not sure how came up with the idea, but I think they must be a genius.

My office has nice black wooded floors and a white wooded desk. A plush leather sofa is pushed against the wall beside the door, two low back leather chairs in front of my desk, and a high back spiny chair for me. I love the way it looks and the privacy it offered with the tinted glass, but I hate the confinement I feel whenever I work alone.

Nat pulls out her iPod out of her jeans pocket and places it in the speaker and played some old rock song as background music. This is our routine whenever we're together in my office, I love it.

She lounges on the couch. God, she's acting weird. She looks so tired and worn down. There's bags under her eyes, which she never lets happen. Her hair is out of place and something about her posture is off. It's bugging me more than anything to figure out what is going on.

"Nat?" I ask. She stares straight ahead. "Tasha?" Still nothing. "Natasha?" She doesn't even acknowledge me. This got me worried. I walk over to her and kneel down in front of her.

"Hey, Natasha," I say taking her hand. "What's going on?"

"Sorry, I didn't catch that," she says snapping out of her daze.

"You wanted to talk to me about something," I take a sip of my coffee and wince at the taste.

"I did, didn't I?" she asks looking away.

"Yeah, you promised me you'd tell me what's going on," I take her face in my hands. "I'm freaking out here; please tell me what's going on."

She bites her lip and lookes away. "You have a daughter to deal with right now. This can wait."

"What is it?" I ask standing up and passing back and forth. "I'm going insane here! Not that it's a far trip, but still! Nat, I need to know."

"Clint, I-" she started but is interrupted by a knock at the door. "You have guests, I better go."

"No, stay," I say taking her hand. "I want you to be here to hear this. This is going to affect you just as much as it affects me."

She nods and sits down in one of the low back chairs. I answered the closed door for Bruce.

"I thought maybe you weren't her with those one way dimmed glass," he says.

"Nah, we're here," I say sitting down in my chair.

"Hi, Natasha," he says down in the chair opposite to her. "Are you feeling alright, you look pale."

Nat glared at him, "My natural skin tone is albino, Bruce."

"I mean, you look paler than usual," he corrects himself quickly. "No that's not what I mean. I-uh," he looks around the room for a distraction. "Clint! Do you want the results of the blood test?"

I laugh but Nat just looks away and mutters something in Russian. "I've been dying to know them, Bruce," I tell him.

He opens the file, but I know that he has it memorised. "She's your daughter, congratulations."

I sigh, I expected this. One part of me is disappointed that I wasn't there for her as a kid. I' also angry at Ellie. I'm thrilled she is my daughter. I'm upset, but I am worried that she's going to be a handful, seeing as she is an assassin. But Nat and I are assassin, how hard can it be to take care of a teen assassin?

"Ok, then," I say as I stand up. "I guess I should go break the news to Katie."

"Clint," Nat gets up to follow me but I stop her.

"We'll talk later Nat," I tell her. "You can watch the interrogation, but you were right. I have to deal with my daughter right know."

I thank Bruce and we walk in silence back to the interrogation room. We walk in perfect step, like we've been doing for years. We really are the perfect partners. Nat and I know each other better than we know ourselves. Our skills match each other's perfectly. And if one of us has a weakness, it's the other strength. We have a total of five failed missions and always get the job without question.

I smile and it didn't go unnoticed by Nat as we enter the elevator. "What are you thinking about, Barton?" she asks.

"Us," I say and kiss her. It'so short but very passionate. We pull apart just as the doors open. "It's been a few hours too long since I've done that."

"What time is it?" she asks.

"Five a.m., I think, maybe six," I guess.

"I'm gonna get some proper coffee, I'll get you and the rest of the team something," she tells me.

"Thanks," we part ways then. She went back into the elevator and I walk towards the interrogation room.

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