Chapter 28

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Kate POV

To be clear, when someone asks you your name and you says, "code tango two alpha E Yankee," it doesn't end well.

I learned that the hard way. I guess I won't be dating him, pity. I hope he wakes up.

I have never driven a car with a phone number for a price, I can't say I'm disappointed with the red Lamborghini I...acquired. It's a really nice car, so smooth and precise. Maybe if I'm really nice to Tony...

I laugh at the thought. I don't know what's funnier, him actually buying me a car or the thought of being nice to him.

There's a certain rush I get from driving, a secret pleasure. And there has always been something so undeniably sexy about cars to me. Beautiful, sharp, sleek cars, especially. But what's even more irresistible, is cars that go fast.

And let me tell you, the Lamborghini is all of those things making it extremely sexy. I smirk, if only Wren could see me know.

I turn down the streets of a beat up neighbourhood, looking for the old factory building that my GPS was leading me towards. The Lamborghini sticks out like a sore thumb. It screams filthy money, or theft...which is of course how I...acquired it.

I belong in these slums, this is where I spent most of my time when I was learning to be an assassin. With Wren, Alexei, Nikolai, and Andy. I smile sadly, good times. Too bad they're gone.

There's not way of getting them back now, I burned that bridge. At least, I was forced to burn it.

I still can't believe j cried in front of Clint. I never cry, the boys always joked that I didn't have tear ducks. After all the crap I went through growing up, you would think something as little as having a moment with your biological father wouldn't make me cry.

I hear the commotion before I see the problem. I can already see the crowd and the firefight going on inside the building. Great.

A large crowd has gather in front of the building. It's going to be a fun time pushing through them to get inside. I pull up as close to the building as I can get and sigh. And I sit there.

I can't stop thinking about Tony telling me I'd done enough, bastard. They didn't want me there, they wanted me to stay back with Clint. And that pissed me off beyond belief.

Who were they to decide if I was good enough to be on their team? I would goddam show them. They never bothered to come see me work with Clint, they didn't know what I was capable of. How well trained I am, I can do this, goddammit.

Tony meant to piss me off because he's an asshole and he doesn't like me. All he ended up doing was pushing me into helping them.

I made a mental note to thank him.

I put the tactical glasses on that I found. It really did complete the look. I didn't have a lot of time when I was running out of time, between talking to Clint, having to get everything organized, and taking care of that guy. I'm wearing the mix and match offer of the SHIELD laundry room.

I reach over to the passenger seat to get my weapon, the only weapon I had access to. It happened to be in Clint's office, he told me how to gain access to it. I was shocked when I saw what it was.

I stepped out of the car and slung Clint's quiver of arrows over my shoulder and tightened my grip on Clint's bow.

The one rule I remember someone telling me, no one touches Clint's bow, ever. Except Natasha, she's special. I guess I'm special too.

As I push my way through the crowd, someone remarks upon seeing the bow, "you're not Hawkeye."

I glance at them long enough for them to know it's not him, but I nod anyways. "Get out of my way," I snarl. "I need to get to the Avengers."

He nods and moves.

I kick in the front door, because when I do something, I walk in through the front door.

Immediately I duck for cover as a round of bullets fly my way. I duck behind a large desk, my shoulder scrapping the ground.

I notch an arrow in the bow. It's been a long time since I held a bow and arrow. I still remember Wren coaching me through it in our late night practice sessions.

In, I take a long breath and pull back the string.

I stand quickly, scanning for someone to shoot. A man stands on the walkway on the second level of the dusty factory. His gun is aimed down ward, towards Steve.

Out, I let the arrow fly.

An explosion rocks the entire building. I duck back behind the desk, covering my head.

In my defence, I didn't know that was going to happen.

Two seconds later, Ironman is hovering over my head.

"What the hell?" Stark asks.

"I need to get to Natasha," I say, standing. "Please. Clint sent me."

"Why?" He demands.

I hesitate and then, "She's pregnant."

I really, really wish I could have seen his face. I like to imagine him sitting there, his mouth opening and closing a few times. Maybe he fainted and the suit kept him up, I don't know. I just think his reaction would have been priceless.

"She-" He started.

"Yeah," I say flatly, "Now where is she."

"Other side of the building," he murmurs. "Be careful. Get her and get out."

I nod and turn to leave.

"And Kate?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Don't blow anything else up. That's my job."

I detect a small amount of humour in his voice, I grin back at him.

I run through the factory. I gather that they made car parts a very long time ago. I shoot my way through, only occasionally making something blow up. I don't know what each arrow does and I'm not nearly as accurate as Clint.

But he's had way more practice then me.

There's something I like about the bow, though.

I slip past Thor, nearly being hit by his magical hammer. That's where I see Natasha. Guns out, hiring at multiple assailants. I notch an arrow and join her.

"Kate," she glances over her shoulder at me as I hire arrow after arrow. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Clint sent me," I tell her. "I'm here to get you out."

I can see the hesitation in her face. And then a voice to my left says, "Oh, neither of you are going anywhere."

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