Cigar Cutter

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Tristin pov*

Cairo, Egypt...A few years ago

We walk through the building looking for the bomb we were sent in for and I half to listen to Jack sing atrociously King Tut.

"You done?" Mac asked.

"Yeah. I don't know the rest of the words. I do know he had a condo made of stone-a." Jack said.

"Focus Jack! We need to find this thing, all right?" I tell him. Having to scold them like children.

"So, I don't get it. What's their deal with all the cat's?" Jack asked.

"Cats were known as Mau and they were sacred in ancient Egyptian civilisation. Some were known as gods and goddesses, actually." Mac said.

"One good dog would've taken care of all that." Jack mumbles.

"Anubis there, he was part dog." I point at a statue.

"Really? That's one ugly mutt." I roll my eyes and keep looking. I hear Jack gasp slightly and I look over to him telling Mac to look.

"Mac, my mummy thinks your hot." Jack said.

"Stop it. It's three thousand years old." Mac scolds him.

"Oh, so what? Mummy, can my friend come over for dinner?" Jack asked the mummy.

"Put it back." I command him.

"Okay, fine."

"I'm glad you can find the humour in this." Mac tells him. "It's like being on a mission with an eight year old."

"Now you know how I feel all the time." I quip at him, and smile innocently.

"Well, of course I'm gonna find the humour in it, bro." Jack said. "What, you rather me be curled up in a corner in the fetal position, soiling my adult diapers? Wait and second, Mac, Mac, don't touch this one. It looks like the Ark of the Covenant." We move to open the box. "Seriously, I don't want my face to melt off." We start to open it.

"Look away." Mac said.

"Okay, it's your funeral." We get the lid of and I don't like what we find.

"No, it's all our funerals." I say.

"Oh, Yahtzee." Jack gasps. 

"It's a dirty bomb. Just like Thornton said." Mac said. Then out of no where, Mac's phone goes off, scaring the crap out of us. "It's Bozer."

"That's like the fifth time he's called." Jack said.

"I know."

"Well, answer it, it might be important."

"And this isn't." I point out.

"You might be right. It's call. I gotta go find a background that doesn't look like I'm inside a...well, wherever we are." Mac says walking off to find a background. We wait. But we here the men that were chasing us finally find us. We run over to Mac.

"Mac, cut off the call. Farhad and his friends found us." I say. I hides his phone under his arm so Bozer couldn't hear. 

"What how?" 

"I don't know that must of track your cell phone." Jack said urgently.

"I thought that Nikki was blocking our signal."

"Well you thought wrong. And I'm hiding." Jack said going to hide. "And I suggest you two do the same." Mac then ends his call and takes my hand, we go and hide. I hear Farhad and his men come and yell looking for us. We hear them find Jack and hold a gun to his head. So we two geniuses come up with the most stupidest plan possible.

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