Metal Saw

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Tristin pov*

North Korea

Well it's not the best situation right now. Being chased by North Korea and in a small car that's being protected by other car parts. Oh, also I'm stuck between two sweaty guys. Jack is swerving on the road while, I'm trying to help Mac, but it's kind of difficult when you keep moving back and forth. Mac then suck some fuel out for us to make our explosives.

"Hey take it easy on the go-go juice brother." Jack warned.

"Hey guys heads up, your tail invited guests to the party." Riley said over comms.

"Guessing a drone strike is out of the question." Jack asked they then start firing at us.

"Not unless you want to start world war III" Thornton told him.

"Never mind."

"Guys, remember we need the asset alive."

"You mean the asset and us, right?"

"Don't get insecure on me now Jack." She finished. Mac finished his bottle, handing me the fuel to finish mine. He opened the window and leaned out. Jack grabbed hold off his belt for him not to fall out. Mac threw the bottle just as I finished mine. He hit the side of the first truck and it exploded.

"Whoo alright!!" Jack celebrated.

"Actually Jack, I think it made them more pissed off." I handed my bottle to Mac and he threw it, completely missing.

"You missed?!" Jack yelled in surprise. 

"Wanna trade places?" Mac retorted.

"Absolutely not." He objected.

"Guys DMZ is just around that corner. It looks like the boarder guards know you're coming in hot." Thornton relayed to us.

"Could you two take out the barricade?"

"With what?" Mac asked.

"You only brought on bag of fertiliser?"

"That was all they had."

"Oh come on, you two got to get your A game on." Jack said to us.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mac and I wondered. Jack reached and turned off our radio so Riley and Thornton can't hear.

"You both know what I mean."

"I'm not thinking about her." Mac protested.

"Neither am I." Which was a giant lie for both of us.

"I beg, to differ, for the last two weeks Nikki's been in your heads, ever since she escaped FBI custody you both have been off." Mac was now annoyed because I sure was. "And gotta be honest, if  I'm going to do my job I need my partners ." 

"I'm here, you just worry about your driving." Mac said and reached forward turning the radio back on.

"Guys, is everything all right?" Thornton asked.

"Not really." Jack answered. We go around the corner and see the barricade. "We're not going to make it threw through the barricade." Mac reached over and grabbed the steering wheel. "What are you doing?"

"Improvising." He jerked the wheel, I put us in reverse seeing what was going on. We were going backwards. But now the guns were aimed in front of us. "Hold on, this is going to suck."

"It already does." Jack says. After that we plow through the barricades and in the neutral zone of north and south Korea. We slowly exit the car. 

Paperclips and a little improvise (MacGyver)Where stories live. Discover now