The Rising

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Tristin's dress ^

Lake Como, Italy

Tristin pov*

We pull up to a large mansion, in an amazing car.  He steps out and fixes his suit, while I step out straightening my dress. Walking over to him to look like I'm helping him.

"How do I look?" He asked through our comms as I adjust his tie.

"Yummy," a different voice rolled through the comms, I just roll my brown eyes at this.

That's Nikki Carpenter. MIT grad. Passed up offers from Google, SpaceX and Apple to save lives. Best senior analyst in the business. No one (other than me) is better on a keyboard. (Mac can attest to that *wink wink) Also my sister from another mister.

"You really should wear  a tux more often, Mac," Nikki said in a flirty voice.

"Doesn't really go with the grease under his fingernails," I tell her, while Mac playfully glares at me, and I just smile innocently. 

"If you decide to ditch it, keep the tie. I'm sure you'll find other ways to use it." Nikki said. Making me roll my eyes at her flirting and making me gag as well.

" Already got a couple ideas,"  Mac replied with a smirk directed at me from me gagging again.

"Guys, you know this is an open channel and I can hear you, right," Jack noted to us.

Meet Jack Dalton, security and intel. Former Delta force. Jack's the kind of guy you want watching your back. He's been watching Mac's and I's for years now.

The blue eyed blondie next to me is Angus MacGyver. He has twelve first place science fair trophies, two years MIT, three diffusing bombs for the military. Long time best friend. What does he do now? A little of this and a little of that.

As for me I'm Tristin Taylor I'm a mixture of a three of my comrades. Two years MIT for engineering, bio engineering and bio medical degrees. Three years in the military defusing bombs and the rest of me... well that's a long story.

"What you doing Mac," questioning my best friends actions.

"We're going to need a fingerprint to access that safe," he explained tucking the napkin of soot from the car in his pocket. He stretched his elbow out to me. We started to walk to the entrance of the mansion. 

"So, does it bother anyone else we don't know exactly what's in that safe?" Jack asked.

"Intel says some weapon the host plans on selling to the highest bidder tonight," Mac mumbled.

"Hundred bucks says it's nuclear," Nikki bet.

"Your on, I say biological." I said, Mac chuckling beside me at our dynamic.

"Look, can we not take bets, since it's probably going to get us killed."

"Oh, relax, can't be worse than Cairo." Mac said.

"Hey, we don't talk about Cairo, remember," Jack retorts back.

"What happens in Cairo,  stays in Cairo," Nikki and I say in unison.

Paperclips and a little improvise (MacGyver)Where stories live. Discover now