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Mac pov*

I'm on a date with Cindy, we're at an escape room, I have to get over Nikki some how, but Cindy just doesn't feel like the one, not like how I feel like with Tristin. So to prove this I kissed Cindy. After coming out from it I can now confirm I have now connection to this girl, she is smart, funny and competitive, but no one is like Tristin. After going home and talking to Bozer on how he quit his job at the burger shop I had to go to Phoenix.

Tristin pov*

"Duck a l'Orange. From Bozer. Long story." Mac said giving Riley and I a tinfoil of a swan.

"Dang, that smells amazing." Riley smelt it.

"Did he send a fork, too?" I ask. He turns and hands us forks. I start eating, don't judge me I skipped breakfast..but damn Bozer mad cooking skills.

"You okay? Your face is frozen in a creepy smile." Mac ask Jack.

"How was it?"

"How was what?"

"You know what."

"The date." Riley pipes up looking up from the duck.

"How do you know?"

"Are you kidding? Everyone knows. We just want details, that's all." He looks at me, I smile, he just chuckles.

"That's unfortunate for you, 'cause it is none of your business." Mac says as we enter the war-room.

"Sorry to interrupt your date, Mac, but we have a situation." Thornton inter ups.

"Is there anyone in this whole building that didn't know I was on a date?"

"No, I think everyone got the memo." I say giving him a wink. Feeling a bit sad about it.

"Great." He said sarcastically

"Guys, as fun as this is, we are on a clock." Thornton starts. "2008, a Mossad operative was murdered in Madrid. 2010, a human rights lawyer in Dubai. 2012, a CIA informant in Tokyo. All of these high profile assassinations were carried out by the same man. This man." Showing us different stuff on the screen."Unidentified hit man known only by his CIA file number: Suspect 218. According to Langley, he likes to contact his targets right before he kills them."

"A hit man who texts his victims first?" Jack asks.

"'Why is a raven like a writing desk?' What does that even mean?" Riley questions.

"Lewis Carroll." I answer. "Famous riddle with no real solution."

"That's just him taunting his victims. That's all it is." Jack concluded.

"The CIA received intel that S-218 was hired for a job here in the States. But their investigation hit a wall, so they reached out to us."

"Any idea who hired him?" Mac asks.

"No." Thornton says. "And we don't know who the target is, either."

"Sounds like we don't know anything." Jack said.

"Actually, we know one thing." She hit a button and a man pops up. "Him."

"Rajan Patel." Mac names him. "An Indian diplomat?"

"Patel landed at LAX 15 minutes ago. CIA says he's using his diplomatic pouch, which can't legally be searched, to smuggle in a dossier on S-218's next target. So to avoid tipping off his next victim, S-218 wants the dossier hand delivered."

"If the CIA is tracking him, why aren't they moving on him?"

"My contact suspects he has moles inside the agency."

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