Magnifying Glass

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Tristin pov*

I woke up, showered, dressed and headed over to Phoenix so Mac, Bozer and I can start working on our robot.

I woke up, showered, dressed and headed over to Phoenix so Mac, Bozer and I can start working on our robot

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Tristin outfit ^

We're just nearly finished and Jack comes over to complain we are starting the robot apocalypse.

"I'm telling you, man. You are playing with fire here." He tells us.

"Jack, we have..stared down terrorist, defused countless bombs and even stopped a planet-killing virus, and you scared of.." Mac says.

"Robots." Jack cuts him off. "Yay, and if you were smart, you would be, too. Haven't you heard of the robot apocalypse? The-the robo-pocalypse?"

"Yeah, in science fiction. This is science fact." I say getting another part. "If the Phoenix is to pose as a think tank, every now and then we have to do something think-tanky."

"That's cool. Let's work on some space rockets or solar panels, instead trying to build our own Terminator here, man. It's not a good idea."

"It's not the Terminator." Mac said.

"Well, it looks like the Terminator."

"Come on, Jack, the earliest applications for A.I. will most likely be in the field for patient care. Alright, virtual helpers who remind elderly to take their medicine. What's so scary about that?" Bozer said coming over to the robot.

"Well, nothing at first, until those virtual helper thingies become sentient, self-aware. They don't want to listen to us anymore, they rise up. I mean, the next thing we know, we'll all be inn float tanks with those..USB ports hanging out the back of our heads, I'm telling you."

"That's the Matrix

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"That's the Matrix." I say, not looking and putting some wires together.

"You're mixing up you're doomsday theories." Mac finished.

Paperclips and a little improvise (MacGyver)Where stories live. Discover now