Wire Cutter

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Tristin pov*

Galata Defense Solution, Inc.   Ankara, Turkey

Riley and I are running to find Jack and Thornton we find them, they ask what happened. 

Riley and I say in unison "We got made." They weren't surprised, Jack  was happy to take off his fake moustache.

"Where's Mac?" Thornton asks.

"He wanted to make sure the virus was downloaded completely." I say. We got to the van to drive away, but Jack stops us.

"Wait! What about Mac?" He asks.

"He said no matter what, we go." I say "The idiot."

 "I don't care what he said, we're not leaving."

"We leave or we die." Thornton said.

"He said 0400, Patti. That gives us like 15 seconds." Jack argues. The was a thud on top of the van.

"Drive!" Mac's voice yelled.

"You heard the man." Jack tells Thornton. We drive off escaping.

The next day

This morning I was woke up and got ready (outfit ^), I look around my loft for my laptop and couldn't find. I figured I left it at Mac's or at Phoenix. Then I got text from Riley to go over to Mac's. I drove over and walked in the thing that worried me was everyone was there. Not just the normal, but Riley, Jack, Bozer and even Penny Parker (Mac's first other than me first kiss and ex-girlfriend, she also happens to be one of my good friend). Then Mac walked in and was just as confused as I was.

"Hey, guys. We having a party? A really weird, awkward one?" He asked looking at me, I just shrug like 'I don't know'.

"No. We're all here because we love you guys and we're worried about you." Bozer said. "And what are we worried about?" Mac and I chuckle waiting for them to answer.

"Just have a seat, Angus, Tristin." Penny said. Oh, great full names. There calling him Angus it must not be good.

"It's good. It's all good. It's just not good right this second. Look, the reason we're all here is I got locked out of my Netflix account. Again. So, I went to borrow your computer and saw this." Bozer started opening Mac's laptop seeing a facial renegotiation looking for Nikki. "And Trist left her computer here last time so I went to check if it was hers and saw the same thing." Damn it they found it. It's a fricken intervention. 

"Nikki's dead, Mac, Trist. She died in a car accident. It was awful, but she's gone." He paused, yeah we deserve those looks. "I mean, this search you're running is only making things more difficult."

"You're so right." Mac agreed.

"Hey, look, look, I know people deal with grief in different ways, all right, but what you're doing here, I mean, cyber-stalking a dead woman? Uh, this-this isn't healthy." Bozer said.

"We're family, guys. That's why we're all here, to help you put the past in the past and move forward. Come here." Penny said us into a hug, I look over at Riley crossing my eyes and mouthing 'Help me', this laugh and Jack gave me a look making me roll my eyes. 

"Can't we just tell Bozer Nikki's still alive and that she turned out to be a dangerous psychopath and a huge threat to national security?" Riley asks Jack.

"No, because Thornton will have them thrown on a rendition flight." Jack said. "Besides, look at this." Pointing at Penny hugging us. They go around the room saying things I don't really care about, until Jack's phone goes off and I'm so glad because Penny was about the make us role-playing. 

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