Chapter 17- Running & Searching

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I was going to update this book last week on Thursday, but I screwed up my finger-- Now, I'm back, and I got mah finger not dead-- So, let's go!

~Sabre's POV~

Soon the sun starts to rise, and I can tell that soon Rainbow Steve and them are probably going to be having a search party type of thing. I sigh, continuing to make my way to somewhere far away so I can finally rest without worrying about them finding me. 

After like another hour, my aching feet finally make me give in, and I find a small area where I can rest for the day. "Sleep during the day, travel at night," I mumble to myself, walking towards some bushes. I stuff my things into the bushes, and then crawl in as well. "Ugh..." I mumble, trying to make myself comfortable on the cold hard ground, before I finally give up and fall asleep in some position I know I am going to regret later.

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

"I was thinking we should head out soo-- oh.." Night Steve says as soon as he sees me crying against Blue Steve's chest. In my head, I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. Why me..? Why did I make Sabre leave..? 

Blue Steve seemed to tell I was blaming myself for him leaving, because he hugs me softly. "It's not your fault..." Blue Steve says softly, and I continue to cry against Blue Steve's chest. He continues to soothingly pat my back, trying to calm me down but it doesn't seem to work well. Everyone else seems to walk off, but the two of us stay right here, together, as I continue to cry. 


A few hours later, I finally get enough strength to stop crying (mainly because I'm out of tears), though my throat is hoarse. "Are you okay, Rainbow Steve..?" Blue Steve asks me softly, and I slowly nod. He places his hand under my chin, making me look up at him in the eyes. He then gently wipes the tears from my eyes, his baby blue eyes looking into my colorful eyes. 

"I-I'm f-fine..." I sniffle as soon as I finish my sentence, and Blue Steve smiles weakly. 

"I promise you, we're getting him back. We can go look for him whenever you want to..." Blue Steve whispers softly, kissing my forehead. 

Normally, I would blush; but I'm too distraught to even do that. "Can we go look for him now..?" I ask, and Blue Steve nods.

"Of course.."

Don't worry, I has plans for la' Sabre--

For now, enjoy two of my cats--

For now, enjoy two of my cats--

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Cookie Da' Queen~

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