Chapter 6- Confusion on Many Levels

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Look at that time

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Look at that time...

I did some thinking, and I think I have a way I am going to make the last chapter a bit less confusing.

~Sabre's POV~

(I bet you weren't expecting that! Haha I am smart! Oh wait.. You were expecting it? I'm off to go find a hole to cry in then.. Nah I got to finish this, let's go!)

We walk into the forest we walked from earlier when we were searching for the Blue Steve. I'm still confused on why he doesn't remember Rainbow Steve, but I've given up on questioning it. Rainbow Steve has been a bit different lately, and I can't tell if it is because he doesn't trust me after what happened the day before after the Memory Steve incident, or just he's too excited that he's got Blue Steve back finally.

Think about it: I've had to go a month, at the most two without Rainbow Steve before and I felt like I was slowing tearing apart; but he has gone a long time without Blue Steve. Yes, Rainbow Steve lost his memories due to Memory Steve before but that had to be a long time before Memory Steve got to him.

That's when Rainbow Steve and Blue Steve both stop. Blue Steve backs up against a tree, clutching the few books he brought against his chest tightly. Rainbow Steve's back stiffens up as I watch his emotions from behind him; and then Blue Steve breaks the nerve racking silence; adding something more creepy to the air around us. "What was that?" He asks and his voice starts to fail him. I look around, trying to find anything that could be what he's talking about.

"I'm don't know.." Rainbow Steve says, agreeing with Blue Steve. I just look at Rainbow Steve as if he's crazy, and he turns around. He looked like he was about to say something else; but something stops him. Wind whistles around us, and for a moment I start to hear a little bit of a.. Conversation?

"...nbo.. Bl.. Eve.. Inal... Ou!.." Is all I can make out. Did whoever say something about Rainbow Steve? What was.. Whoever, supposedly talking about?

"Yellow Steve.. Aren't you the one who left with Blue Steve?" Rainbow Steve says and I just stand there confused. Even with the chicken suit on, I still feel cold because of the wind blowing around us and the sun not shining enough on us. Blue Steve looks on, and I feel like some of this that this Yellow Steve that Rainbow Steve is talking to is starting to help him gain some of Blue Steve's memories back. At one point Blue Steve starts to... Smile? As he listens on to someone talking, the smile fades and he looks more confused as ever.

"What the heck is going on?!" I finally about as I try to piece everything together, but failing miserably. Rainbow Steve looks back at me as if I was the crazy one here. I must be missing something here.. He looks back I front of him and I see nothing, there's nothing in front of him. Yet he continues to look at it contently and listen on to every word this person I can't see is saying.

"Sabre can understand me and Blue Steve though, why can't he understand you?" Rainbow Steve says out of nowhere. I hear small bits of whoever this person that is talking to Rainbow Steve is, and I start to wonder if I am sane anymore. "...Ee...Ayer... Umente... Elated... Eally su..." That's when the whistle of the wind stops. It pauses for a moment and I try to figure out at least some of the sounds that make up words.

It sounds like there is a 'documented', and 'related'; as well as "Really sure". But all together those don't form into any English word. Is this Yellow Steve that Rainbow Steve is apparently talking to speaking English? I can't even figure out that, but how would these words I built up make a sentence?!

That's when I see Rainbow Steve take a sip of water calmly, then suddenly getting startled or something and just spitting out some water he just got into his mouth. He turns around and looks at me with his face flushed. "Well.. Me and Sabre," he starts to this Steve I can't even see, not do I know what they even asked. His hands gesture towards me before he continues. "Were in a battle with a evil Steve, Memory Steve, and I got this." That's when he gestures towards the bandages wrapped around him tightly, but still lose enough he can breathe normally.

My eyes close as I think about the moment my hand slightly brushed up against his chest as I put the bandages around him, and my face flushes quickly. I pull my hood of my onesie on where it covers more of my face, and I force that thought from my mind as I continue to listen on to this conversation.

"Blue Steve is wearing my shirt because he got cold earlier and I was fine; and I just never got it back yet." He says and I see a blush cover Rainbow Steve's face slightly as he speaks the end of his sentence. Blue Steve blushes too and then actually hands me the few books that he took from his own library. I carefully hold them and then he takes off Rainbow Steve's shirt.

He blushes slightly as he hands it over to Rainbow Steve, and it seems he thinks nobody saw it. But I guess I am the only one who did. My view of Rainbow Steve's back gets cut off by him putting the colorful shirt back on his body. I look away from Rainbow Steve and then hand Blue Steve his books back. My blush from my wandering mind has finally died down enough to where I don't need to hide it with my hood. Blue Steve takes the books without a second thought and I just let myself zone out. I don't really listen to what Rainbow Steve is saying up until I hear him say, "Sabre, Blue Steve! Come on, we might have a lead on where a artifact is!" Then I hear him say "Yellow Steve! Wait up!"

I perk my head up confused, still not seeing the Yellow Steve; nor anyone other than me, Rainbow Steve, and Blue Steve. "Wait, a Yellow Steve?" I ask confused, wanting all the answers. Instead of getting answers, all I get is, "Yep! Now let's go!"

He walks forward, with both me and Blue Steve trailing not far behind him.



Some FavreMyRainbow???

Just for drama, I promise. There might be some more of these incidents, so be prepared for that. But this is still going to be a BlueBow fanfic, so there will always be more BlueBow overpowering FavreMyRainbow.

Ships are awesome...

I kinda wish I added some more stuff and didn't leave it off exactly how I did last time, but it's around midnight and I got to get up early tomorrow.

I got a random question: I haven't watched any Steve Saga videos in a few days, nor origins (Have they even been uploading? I haven't been getting the notifications for origins..)

Who's Void Steve? Without spoiling what happens in the videos, can I have some answer.

My notifications on YouTube keep saying things along the lines of "FavreMySabre uploaded: VOID STEVE..." (It doesn't all ever fit..) and I want to know who he is!

It's confusing me!

Anyways, goodnight!!

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