Chapter 16- Missing

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Sorry I haven't been responding to comments much, I've not been on much in general because my cousins have been here. But, they left!

~Rainbow Steve's POV~

I wake up in the morning, Blue Steve's arm wrapped around me in a comforting manor, making me blush softly. He stirs as I get out from his comforting grip, and I get off the ground. I walk out of the tent, the brightness of the sun comforting me and the soft breeze of the wind making me feel completely safe. 

Other than Blue Steve, everyone else is awake now, except Sabre. I make my way to his tent, which is right next to mine, and slowly walk in. As soon as I get in, I look around to not see Sabre anywhere. 

Then, I see a book and quill sitting down, and when I walk over to it and open it, Sabre's boyish handwriting fills the page. As soon as I read the first sentence, I gasp. 

If anyone is wondering, or if anyone cares, I'm going to go so I don't bring any more pain. Don't try and find me, I don't want to be found.

I want you guys to keep going, and I want you guys to get all the artifacts. I realize a fault in the way I've been acting, and I don't want to screw anything else up. So, I'm leaving..

I'm sorry Rainbow Steve,

I'm sorry that I was such a jerk after finding out that you like Blue Steve and not me. I wasn't thinking. Tell Blue Steve I'm sorry. I overheard you two talking last night, and I realized that you don't need me when I just cause trouble. Cause pain.

I'm sorry, I guess I was being a little selfish.

That's all I got to say...


Tears slowly roll down my cheek, and I look around. Blue Steve must've woke up, because he comes in and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Sabre..." I whisper, not knowing what to say as the tears flow freely. 

I cry, hugging Blue Steve tight so I know I won't loose him as well. "We'll find him.. I promise.." Blue Steve says softly. Not long after, the other Steve's start coming into where we all hope Sabre would be sleeping, but just to find the place being completely empty. 

"I was thinking we should head out soo-- oh.." Night Steve says as soon as he sees me crying against Blue Steve's chest. In my head, I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. Why me..? Why did I make Sabre leave..?


I'm evil and put a cliffhanger ;-;

My finger is bleeding ;-;

My lucky hoodie has a hole in it ;-;

and my smol queen isn't on ;-;

~KoOkIe CoOkIe

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