Twenty one

822 47 39

Grayson Bailey
5 months later

   Ethan had grown distant with me, he shortened 'I love you' to 'love you' even though we had only gotten back together about four months ago.

    I pulled into the drive way, Manny and I had been out almost all night at the bar, talking about life and random little things. We got really close over the time, he was my best friend, I could rely on him for almost anything.

     It was about three AM now, as soon as we walked into the house Manny bid me a 'good night' and walked off tiredly. I walked up the stairs slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible.

    I opened Ethan's door, "What the fuck?" I asked loudly, a figure jumping up and out of the bed. Tears rushed to my eyes when I saw a brown haired girl quickly slip on her underwear.

     "Grayson!" Ethan calls, my chest clenched up at the sight. The girl not daring to meet eyes with me, she went to leave and I grabbed onto her arm tightly. She looked me in the eyes, "I didn't know, he never said anything about a relationship" she whispers sympathetically. A tear slips down my face, "what's your name?" I ask in a broken whisper.

     "Emma" She weakly mumbles running out of the room. My eyes traced back to Ethan, a concerned look on his face. I marched towards him, "why? Ethan. Why!?" I asked, starting to raise my voice at him.

       "Baby I'm so-" he starts and I push on his shoulders, "don't 'baby' me!" I scream. "You know, I really didn't think I was ever gonna have to say this but I guess I do now" I start off, my voice low and filled with emotion. "You told me you loved me- you told me you loved me. Okay? Obviously you were lying...why did you- why would you do that?" I asked, tears streaming down my face as Ethan stared at me.

       "I did love you. Once" he whispers, my body started shaking as he spoke lowly. I can't believe it, why? Why would he ever do this to me? I was lost for words as I stared at him, trying to figure out his thoughts but he seemed almost empty.

       "You can't do this to me. What about us? Huh? What about Kari and the gang? We were supposed to be forever! You promised me forever!" I screamed, the tears never ending as I slammed my fists into his chest. Ethan took my hits, not defending himself.

        "You lied to me" I whispered brokenly, stepping away from him. I ran into my room, grabbing a bag and shoving random clothes in there, not thinking straight. "Where are you going?" He asks sounding exhausted and desperate even though he had no right. "I'm leaving" I spit, pushing past him and running down the stairs, "you can't leave me!" He yells.

      "Why? You left me, apparently a while ago!" I scream, heading straight for Kari's room. I opened the door and packed her a bag, picking her up from her sleeping position.

       "Grayson?" She asks groggily and I shush her, pushing past Ethan with our bags and grabbing my keys. "The gang. You can't leave them." He tried to get me to stay. "Without you, they mean nothing to me. But I don't have you, not anymore. We're over. I should have never trusted you" I tell him in  a disappointing voice, opening the car door and setting KK down, buckling her up and throwing the bags in the back seat.

      "You signed a contract" he growls and I close the door, turning around to face him, "and you promised to never hurt me again. Guess we both are breaking the rules. You mean nothing to me" I slam my shoulder into his, walking to the other side of my car. Getting in and turning it on, pulling out of the drive way, Ethan clenched his jaw as he watched me leave. He didn't even try to get me to stay, that's how much he truly doesn't love me.

      "Grayson" Kari calls softly, "go to sleep. Now" I demand and she goes quiet. I turn on the music trying to escape the silence and my thoughts as I cried hard, pulling out my phone and searching for a way back to London. It was a eight hour drive, but I didn't care, I was perfectly fine with that.

       I cried my heart out, thinking of the girl over and over again. My heart literally clenched at the thought of him doing sexual things with her, Emma, that was her name. Maybe the worst part is that it was a different girl, or maybe the worst part is that I hadn't realized this was why he was distant for so long.

     My whole world had just fell apart, everything I was building for him, all my trust, love, everything, was now gone. He left me broken, a puzzle with a million pieces that I now had to put back together. He was the man who warned me to stay away from him and then turned around and said he loved me, he begged for my love, he went above and beyond for what? A piece of ass? Pathetic.


     I stormed into the agency, my jaw clenched and body filled with anger. Eyes followed me with amazement and wonder, whispers heard everywhere, a few people called my name. I banged on my Boss's door, "come in" He tells and I open it, "Grayson!" He exclaims.

       I spit Ethan's address out, his eyes widening, "that's Ethan Dolan's address, his gang, family, and crew lives there. Let's take them down" I say proudly, my heart racing. "You're a good man" he praises, patting me on the back in a friendly matter.
       "Let's go get em" he says happily, making a phone call to the SWAT. I entered the weapons room, grabbing my gun and a bullet proof vest. "Jets are ready, good luck. Let's celebrate when you get back" my boss says and I nod, wanting to kill this stupid fucking man that killed my will to love.

      I boarded the jets with a few of our strongest members, loaded with guns and bombs, ready to take the most wanted man and gang out once and for all.

      The jets arrived a lot quicker than expected, the bright sun splashing our faces as we jogged down the steps. We went over multiple plans on the trip here, I claimed Ethan, I told them nothing about my time spent with him, I barely talked at all actually.

     We hurried into a black suv, speeding off into the direction of Ethan's mansion. I stopped thinking, I was anxious but I knew deep down this is what was best. These were my original intentions, everything would just be so much easier and I would be the good guy, the hero, the man that everyone wanted to be. I would be my father. Just like him.

       We pulled up through the back way I had found a while ago when I was exploring the back yard. I directed each member, I would go through the back sliding doors, as each sniper went to a different bedroom.

     I snuck in, tip toeing to the camera room, I opened the door, finding it empty, luckily. I unplugged the computers, disabling them for good.
I heard Ethan's voice get closer to the room, his voice sounded panicked as he spoke to someone.

     "They're here. He did it" I heard him say, "what do we do?" Jack asks worriedly. "We surrender" Ethan says defeatedly. "Are you crazy? They'll kill us" Jack exclaims and Ethan scoffs, "we were gonna end up dead anyway." Ethan whispers, I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to keep my cries to myself.

     I heard the doors bust open, screaming and shots going off. I opened the door, Ethan running up the stairs as I chased after him. "Not so fast, Dolan!" I screamed, Ethan turned around and saw me, tears running down his face.

      "Grayson please!" He cried, dropping down to his knees. "I really did love you" he tried and I scoff, "then what the hell happened?" I shouted, "I thought I wasn't enough" he whimpered and I shook my head. "Bullshit. I hate you" I spit, stepping closer to him, my gun held out, aimed at his head.

       "You did this to yourself, to your gang, to your family. It's all your fault!" I scream, kicking him in the stomach, Ethan grunted and fell back, "I'm sorry!" He yells.

  "I am too" I whisper, pulling the trigger.

A/N; I ended this so badly, I might do an epilogue, I might not, we'll see. I was losing interest for this book so I had to wrap it up, it's been an emotional journey but I'm glad I could share it with you. Thank you for helping me more than you even know. I love you all.

How was the book?

I enjoyed writing it for the most part, I wanted to make this mostly because I wanted to read something like this. I'm sorry it was a short and fast moving book but I'm just a dyslexic 14 year old in intensive reading.

Bye. For now.




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