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Ethan Dolan

       My head was tilted to the side, brow raised, eyes dark and cold, I made my self look as scary as possible, I was sitting on the couch, arms across the back and my legs open.

      That boy looked very familiar, I couldn't pin point it but I got the feeling it was something to do with Matthew. The elevator doors opened and revealed that same boy dressed in the exact same clothes except his hair seemed a lot messier.

     "Hello" he greets softly with a small smile and I just smirk, giving a nod of acknowledgement.

   "Have a seat" I tell him and gesture to the spot next to me. "Would you like a drink?" I stand up and his eyes follow my figure like a hawk. This dude gave off some vibes I didn't like, I'm sure he knew who I was but it seemed like he knew a lot about me.

     "N-no thanks" he mumbles, shifting on the couch slightly. "Underage? I won't tell" I say jokingly making him chuckle slightly and if I'm not mistaken it sounded like a nervous chuckle.

    "Yeah actually, how old are you?" He asks, he looked as if he already knew that answer though, so I lied.

     "26, how about you?" I could visibly see his breath hitch, maybe that was too old. "17" he replies honestly, I smirk to myself and eye him up and down.

     "You sure you don't want a drink?" I ask again, turning around and starting to prepare a drink, pouring some sprite in and then a packet of GHB and GBL, makes the process go by quicker.

     "It's just sprite" I tell him and hand him the seemingly harmless drink with a blank friendly face. "Thank you" he whispers and gives me a small smile, taking a large sip.

     "So um, what's your name?" He asks trying to make small talk.

     "Wouldn't you like to know" I say sarcastically and laugh at his serious face.

    "Ethan Dolan" I tell him waiting for him to start screaming and running but he stayed in that exact spot, a small smile still forced onto his perfect lips.

     "I'm Grayson Bailey" he says sweetly making me gulp, that name was far too familiar. In fact 'Grayson' was Matthew's last word, "what a lovely name" I whisper and smile.

    "T-thanks. You too" Grayson whispers, I can see him become uneasy as the anesthetic starts to take over, his eyes getting droopier by the second. I was actually really surprised, the drugs take ten minutes to an hour to work but we were just barely getting to 10 minutes.

     Grayson falls back on the couch his eyes closed, breaths deep and slow. I grab the sprite from him quickly before it could spill and whistle, my team coming out from the rooms.

    "Lets go. Now, hurry" I rush them, murmurs of 'yes boss' and 'yes sir' coming from the group. Cameron and Jackson pick up the body almost effortlessly together and head straight for the elevator.

    They would take the stairs once they got down to the thirtieth floor, then they would proceed to get him in to one of my black SUV's and head straight back to Germany to my house.

     "Boss?" I hear Aaron call and I look over at him, "what?" I ask almost impatiently.

     "That kid...he seem familiar to you?" Aaron asks making my brows furrow, "I- yeah he did. His name is Grayson Bailey apparently he's seventeen, think you can find him on the system?" I ask hopefully and Aaron nods, heading to his room to grab his laptop and sitting down on the couch next to me.

       Aaron's fingers worked against the keyboard for almost 20 minutes now, making me groan frustratedly. "Anything?" I ask, desperately.

     "No. Either he's lying or he's not seventeen, he's twenty." He says, clicking on a name, a picture of Grayson smiling widely pops up making me purse my lips and read his background;

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