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Ethan Dolan

My eyes refused to shut and my brain wouldn't turn off. I stared at the ceiling, it was about three am and my body was extremely tired but my mind wasn't.

My thoughts wandered deep, everything related back to Grayson and the fact that tomorrow I would finally have a professional psychologist come see me. Ever since I was little they told me I was a psychopath, I was on medication for years.

The medicine only made me feel worse in a way, like I wasn't in my own body and I was watching myself do things I didn't want to do. I killed my first ever friend by accident, we were in chemistry class making jokes back and forth but he hit a sensitive spot with my Oma and insulted her.

Before I could stop my self I spilled explosive chemicals that quickly ate at his skin and gave him third degree burns. I was labeled as insane and almost arrested for life, but I pleaded insanity.

I didn't mean to hurt him, but it felt good somehow, I liked the adrenaline rush when I watched the white foam ooze out his mouth.

My mind went back to Grayson, what if my diagnosis was wrong? I could like Grayson? I think I already do but I'm not sure. It's weird. One second I want to bury him six feet under and the next I want him in my arms, telling me everything is gonna be okay.

I'm scared to lose him, I'm terrified of him telling me he doesn't mean any of it. I'm suspect about the fact of him still technically working in the FBI.

He's not scared of losing his life and I know that, he's scared of his sister losing hers. I would never kill her, I wouldn't get the chance to.

All of this thinking finally got me tired enough, my eyes started to flutter, fully shutting. Sleep taking over my body as I slipped into a state of euphoria.

Grayson Bailey

I lousily took each step, meeting an unfamiliar face having an intense talk with Ethan. My body instantly backed up as I hid and listened.

"You're not a psychopath, Ethan, you feel too much. You're heart holds too much care and damage, you're on the wrong medicine and I am so sorry that you've been lied to all your life." The man explains, I'm guessing he was a doctor or a psychologist.

Happiness took over my mind, a smile etched out onto my face. "Wait. So you're telling me I have the chance of loving someone?" Ethan asks, surprise laced with his words.

"I think you already do, Mr. Diamond" the man says with a cheery tone. "Well my time is up here, better get back to the wife. I'll see you later" he walks past me and gives me a nod, exiting the house. My brows furrowed at what he called Ethan but then I realized he has to be disguised to the outside world.

"You can come out now, nosy" Ethan calls making me flush, I step off of the stairs and meet him in the living room.

"Congrats" I tell him, unsure of what to say. "Thanks, I got a new prescription so hopefully I can get my brain on track." Ethan smiles at me softly.

"Are you gonna tell anyone?" I ask and he shrugs. "Probably not, I mean there's no reason to. want to celebrate" Ethan's tone turns seductive as he takes a step closer to me, his finger tracing along my shoulder and down my bicep.

      My breath hitches in my throat, goosebumps popping up on my skin. "Maybe we should" I whisper, my eyes locking with Ethan's. He smirks and pulls me against him, our chests pressed together. I wrap my arms around his neck, his around my waist.

       Ethan looks down at me and lowers his head slightly, pressing his lips against mine sweetly. "What are you doing to me?" He whispers, pulling away slightly. "I'm trying to help you love" I answer confidently, "I think you're doing a good job" he praises making me blush. "Good" I remark, pressing a small peck on his nose, a rosy pink color spreads over his face making me smile widely.

      "I think you should apologize to Manny" I tell him and he pulls away from me, "why?" He asks bluntly. "Because it's evident you hurt his feelings, and I can see you guys are pretty close".

        "He doesn't want to talk to me" Ethan sighs, "try." I encourage him and he nods, running his hand through his messy hair.

       Ethan grabs my hand and drags me into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I giggle and he just smiles, picking me up and placing me on the counter. Ethan spreads my legs and stands in between them, kissing on my neck.

      "One day I'm going to fuck you in every room of this house. I'll have you screaming so loud the people down the street will know my name." Ethan whispers in my ear, he drags his tongue across my jaw making me groan.

        "Fuck, don't do that to me" I warn and he starts to suck on my neck, "or what?" He asks, his voice muffled. "You'll see" I sass making Ethan smirk, biting at the flesh on my neck.

        "Really? In the kitchen? There are children in your presence, Dolan" Manny's voice interrupts making Ethan pull off of me quickly. He looks like he's debating something, "I'm sorry" Ethan mumbles.

          "What?" Manny asks surprised. "I'm sorry for threatening you yesterday and hurting your feelings." Ethan says honestly and Manny takes it in, rolling his eyes after a few seconds.

        "You don't mean that. You're a psychopath " he comments and Ethan shakes his head, "I'm not. I just found out this morning, I have a behavioral disorder but I'm not a psychopath, I got new medicine and everything." Ethan explains, a small smile on his face.

         Manny looks over at me with a raised brow, "it's true, I overheard their conversation." I defended Ethan and Manny nodded. "Well then I accept your apology, and I'm sorry as well. For assuming about your relationship, you're a grown man, I trust you to choose what's best for you." Manny smiles and holds out his arms, signaling for a hug.

        Ethan pulls Manny into a tight hug. His arms around his shoulders while Manny's arms wrap around his waist. A tinge of jealousy hit me, making me confused, why would I be jealous of Manny? I knew it made no sense but I couldn't help it.

     My ankle was pulled at and I look down, seeing Kari smiling up at me. "I'm hungry!" She complains, "me too!" The little boy, Sammy agrees. I hop off the counter and open the large fridge, stacks of food taking up all of the shelves.

     "Don't worry about it, Gray, I'm making breakfast for everyone" Manny tells me and I nod, moving away from the fridge. Well damn isn't Manny just perfect, he cooks, he cleans, he takes care of kids, he's obviously close to my man- Ethan, I mean he's close to Ethan.

       "I'm gonna go take a shower" I mumble and push past Ethan, his footsteps following me up to my room. "Let me join?" He asks, my back turned to him.

      "Sure" I say plainly, "what's wrong?" He pulls on my shoulder, turning me around to face him. "Manny's a really good problem solver, huh?" I remark and he furrows his brows. "What does that have to do with...are you jealous of Manny?" Ethan asks in a surprised tone.

        "How could I not?" I scoff and Ethan shakes his head, "it's not like that, Manny is like a brother to me, he's always there to take care of me but it's never been anything more than a brother bond" Ethan assures me and I nod.

         "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it, I don't like people touching you." I whisper ashamed and Ethan chuckles, "that's really cute, baby boy, but no one's taking me away from you. Trust." He tells me and I smile up at him. "Trust" I tell him, our pinkies linking together.

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