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Ethan Dolan

   My heavy steps walked through the hallway, the floor board slightly creaking. I turned the knob to Graysons door, opening it quietly, his naked body stood in front of the full sized mirror, sizing himself.

    I stood propped against the door frame watching him, my eyes traveled down his body to the few tattoos. The one on his hip intrigued me the most, an angel wing with the word "angel" written in the wing as if it were being protected, a halo floating above the word.

   I wondered what it meant but I already knew in the back of my mind, today I would take him to see her, after getting him to sign my contract of course.

    "Can I help you?" He asks, turning to face me, he stood tall and proud...both of him. "We need to meet downstairs, my gang is waiting for you. Hurry up." I demand and clear my throat, my eyes traveling down his body once more before I walked out.

    I joined the rest of my gang who were all appropriately dressed except for me, I preferred to stay shirtless every second I could. Manny put the papers in order as I sat next to Aaron, who by the way did not agree with this plan whatsoever, but that wasn't up to him.

    Grayson came down stairs dressed in the clothes he came here in, he looked around confusedly. "What's going on?" He asks, "join the gang" I tell him bluntly. Grayson starts laughing hysterically, doubling over and laughing extremely loud.

    He stands straight again with tears in his eyes from laughing so hard, but no one else joined him. "You're serious?" He asks, calming down from his mini laughing fit.

   "We have a proposition" Jackson speaks up, Gray turns his attention towards Jack, listening intently. "We have Kari, she's in an institute that Ethan owns, she is very well alive and we have footage and her records. But in order to see her you must sign this contract, and join the gang. One wrong move though and you're dead, you have twenty minutes to read and make you're decision." Grayson's stance visibly changes, I could tell his heart was beating a hundred miles per hour as his face dropped.

   Grayson doesn't say a word as he picks up the papers and sits down at the edge of the couch, next to me. His eyes scan the paper carefully, turning page after page.

   Five minutes had passed, no one dared to speak a word as we all studied him. "If I do this, and get Kari back, where will she go?" He asks, tears in his eyes.

    "She'll stay here with you and the rest of us, we have plenty of extra rooms, she won't be involved with any of the killing or anything that goes down." I tell him simply and he closes his eyes, processing the information.

    "What about school? Friends? Her life?" He asks, thinking far into the future, I don't blame him though. "She's allowed to attend public school, she's fluent in German already, there really isn't a problem. She'll live her life as a normal girl" I convince and Grayson nods.

    He holds his hand out and I look at it blankly before placing a pen into it. He cautiously signs his name in very neat cursive. He just gave up his job, his life, his priorities, his money, he gave up everything for his sister. To me, that's a man, and I applaud him for it.

    "I want to see her. Now." Grayson demands and I nod. "Let's go" I call.

    "Welcome to the gang, bitch." Jack cheers and hangs off of his shoulders. Grayson looks defeated as he holds a sad stare with me. His eyes droop down as he pushes Jack off of him.

    "Kari!" Grayson yells, running to the little girl and picking her up. "Grayson!" She screams, tears falling down her face, a huge smile across his.

    "You're so beautiful. I kissed you so much, KK" he cries, her arms and legs wrapped around him. "I want to go home and see mommy" she says and Grayson frowns slightly. "We can't go home, baby. But mommy is just fine, she says she loves and misses you" he encourages and she smiles, burying her head in his neck.

    For some reason I could feel that he was lying, his mother was alive according to his records but he didn't look too fond of her.

   "tschüss tschüss" -bye bye- Kari says her farewell to the workers as Grayson carries her out to me. "Thank you" he says genuinely, I nod and give him a small smile. I follow Grayson out to my Range Rover , he sets Kari down in the seat and she buckled herself up, Grayson gets into the passenger seat as I get into the drivers side.

   "Gray, who's this?" Kari asks and I laugh, "I'm Ethan Dolan" I tell her and she starts crying making me frown. "No no no, Kari it's okay, he's not gonna hurt you, I swear" Grayson tries to calm her down but she only cries harder.

   "He killed daddy!" She screams and my eyes widen, oh fuck. "Kari! Shut it, we keep some things to ourselves, okay?" He scolds and she quiets down, hiccuping.

    "I would never hurt you" I try to assure her but she avoids any and all contact with me. What a bitchy nine year old. "We need to talk when we get home" I tell Grayson and he nods and turns his attention to the window.

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