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Grayson Bailey

    "Was soll ich tun, wenn ich ihn sehe und alles, was ich tun möchte, ist, ihn zu ficken, aber gleichzeitig will ich sein Blut auf meinem Hemd.." I hear Ethan say, frustratedly, fours years of German and I don't know much but asking how you speak the damn language and a few other little words.

[translation; what am i supposed to do when i see him and all i want to do is fuck him, but at the same time i want his blood on my shirt.]

    Jackson sighs heavily and laughs, "Du bist ein beschissener Mann, oder?" Jackson asks him, from the tone of voice I assume it wasn't a real question. I hear footsteps walking past the door and down the stairs, but it was only one person and they were light on their feet so I know it wasn't Ethan.

[translation; you're one fucked up man, huh?]

   The door swung open, hitting my toe making me cry out and fall back on to the floor. "neugierige Schlampe" he grumbles and holds out his hand for me to grab. I hesitantly take it and he pulls me up, my height was close to his but I was still shorter so my eyes looked up to his.

[translation; curious slut]

    "What does that mean?" I ask, he just looks at me like I'm stupid and drops my hand. "Come down stairs, dinner's ready" he tells me and starts to walk away from me. I turn around and look out the window, the door never shut but I assumed he left it open for me.

   A stinging pain sparked on my ass cheek, a loud slap following suit. "Ethan!" I yelled and he laughed, "damn that ass is fat" he comments, pissing me off. I go to swing at him and he pushes me, making me fall harshly on my ass, he doesn't help me up as he actually walks out, slamming the door behind him.

   I push myself up and open the door, my wanderous eyes look around as I find my way to the stair case that was beautiful. It was spiral with a cherry wood stain, and a glossy white railing. My fingers felt the railing as I cautiously took each step, I reached even ground and many eyes looked toward me making me flush.

   I never liked a group of people, I hated being center of attention. I saw every person in this room as an enemy, though they all looked at me as if I was just some random person. Not one of them looked scared, but more amused.

   "Let's eat!" A small voice yells, it belonged to a little boy and my head instantly snapped over, a small child who looked about 5 stood innocently at the door frame. Ethan lifted him up  and placed him on his side, "come on, bubba" he whispers and carries him into what I assume is the kitchen.

   Everybody follows him, as well as I. I ended up walking in front of Aaron who I could feel glaring at the back of my head but it didn't really bother me. They all sat down in their own little assigned seats, I looked around confused, Ethan was already looking at me when we made eye contact. There was an open set between him and Jackson, I strode over and gracefully sat down avoiding eye contact with anyone.

  A plate was sat down in front of me by a sweet elderly lady, "thank you" I said and she furrowed her brows. "Danke dir" Ethan corrected me and she nodded politely. "My workers don't speak English" he informs me and I nod.

    I looked down at my plate, "this is Sauerbraten, it's pretty much a pot roast but German style." He informs me, I put my hands together and hang my head, closing my eyes as I silently pray, thanking God for my life and food, and that my sister is safe up there.

    I reopen my eyes, Ethan watching me intensely as everybody dug into their food. I picked up my utensils and slowly started eating, Ethan's hand was placed on my thigh making me move my leg.

    He smirked and started on his own dish. Dinner went by rather quickly, people made their own little conversations, "you don't look German" I whisper to Ethan and he chuckles, "I'm actually Italian and I'm from America but I moved here for my Oma -Grandma- she didn't like the trouble I was getting in and was so worried that I officially moved here for her. That was before the gang and shit though"
He informed me and I smiled at the sweetness.

   "So like, what's wrong with you?" I ask and he looks at me, he contemplates my question. "I'm a diagnosed psychopath, off my meds of course" he says bitterly making me frown.

   "Why don't you take them?" I shove a piece of
meat into my mouth and he bites his lip, "because when I do, I feel happy, I don't like the feeling, it's not me" he smiles softly, but it was a pained smile.

   "So you want to be a constant asshole? Sounds like hell to me" I comment and he laughs, "the name of my gang is Devil's Son, moron, my life is literally a living hell because I made it that way".

    "You're fucked up" I tell him and he shrugs, "tell me something I don't know" he remarks and I turn my head way from him.

   The water dripped down my back as I towel dried myself off, Ethan barged into the bathroom with a stack of clothes in his hand. I quickly covered my package as he handed them to me, "thanks" I mumbled.

    Ethan turned his back to me and I quickly got dressed in boxers, a pair of grey sweatpants, and a baggy white tee. "Done" I huffed and he turned around. Ethan backed me up against the sink, not saying any words as he grabbed onto the back of my thighs and lifted me up.

    My ass hit the counter as he stepped between my legs, I wrapped them around his torso and he smirked. "You look like the hoe type, the guy that would fuck his boyfriends best friend" he observed and I rolled my eyes.

   "I'm not a cheating slut" I defended myself and he hummed, his eyes dropped down to my neck, his soft lips pressed against my skin, the stubble on his cheeks tickling me.

    "What are you doing?" I ask and he smirks, "this" he murmurs and pulls away from my neck, leaning in and pressing his full lips against mine. The kiss was short and filled with lust, "goodnight, wunderschönen" -beautiful- he pulls away from me and walks out of the bathroom, leaving me dazed and confused.

    He called me beautiful, it was one of the only things I remembered from my online class because it was my favorite word in German. I knew Ethan would be pissed if he knew that I knew what it meant so I decided to keep it to myself.

    I hopped off the counter and headed back to my new bedroom, climbing under the covers and trying to force myself to sleep. Ethan was the last thought on my mind, but I wasn't killing him this time, I was doing other forbidden things.

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