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Grayson Bailey

    I woke up in a dazed state, my body was sore and tense, not being able to move a single muscle. The bed under me was concrete. My eyes shot open, taking in the blurry scenery before me, I was in the basement, on the floor tied to a pillar in the middle of the room.

      Workout equipment was pushed into a corner, I was dressed only in my boxers. I tried hard to remember the events before this, memories of Ethan begging me to take him back entered my mind, we fell asleep cuddling...Ethan got up in the middle of the night freaking out. I remember trying to calm him down but he swung his fist straight for my face and then...nothing.

       The loud heavy door opened, my head immediately turning to see who it was. Ethan walked in with his head hung low, "Ethan? What are you doing?" I asked and he shook his head.

     "You don't deserve to be in this house, with my men, and my crew. You deserve hell, Bailey." He spoke lowly, his tone threatening. "What did I do?" I ask confusedly, "oh you don't already know?" He asked, looking at me as if I betrayed him.

      "You've been getting into my head. All this fucking time, you want to kill me. Eventually you'll make me fall so hard for you I won't be able to see who you truly are but...that's what you've wanted." He starts to yell, scaring me and making me try to back up and get away from him

      "Where are you getting this from?" I ask him, desperate to find out his thinking methods. "My eyes, Grayson! I put it all together last night, you want nothing good from me. You got into my fucking head!" He screams making me flinch.

     "Are off your meds? Have you even been taking them?" I ask, tears filling my eyes. "This has nothing to do with our situation" he tells me, giving me every answer I need.

      "Ethan! Listen to me, you need to take your medicine. This isn't you" I try to encourage him but he scoffs, bending down to my level and getting into my face. "You don't know who I am!" He screams, pointing his index finger into my chest.

      "Yes I do, Ethan! I know that you have good intentions, I know that you are a man with good manners and a well being. You have soft spots for everybody that is close to you. I know you, I know your biggest fears, I know how you feel about me, I know that even when you try to you just can't stop loving. It's in your DNA, E. I do know you, and this...this man that I'm talking to right now, he isn't you. So please, just untie me and we'll figure this out together" I finish up my rant, tears falling down my face as Ethan sighed, closing his eyes.

"I can't" he whimpers, "yes you can, Ethan. We trust each other, remember? Ethan, if I wanted to kill you I would have tried by now. But I don't, that's not the person I want to be. I'm willing to risk it all for you, for us." I try to encourage him and bring him back to his senses.

He sniffles and shakes his head, "I lov-" the door busts open, cutting me off from finishing my sentence. "Ethan" Manny calls, running towards me and quickly untying my wrists. "What are you doing down here?" Ethan asks and in a dark voice.

Manny points into the corner of the room, a camera aimed directly towards us was filming. "There's cameras in every room, Ethan, you know that. It was my turn to watch them today, and you're lucky it was." Manny informed us, my tears never came to a stop as Manny helped me up.

"Go take your medicine. Now" Manny demands Ethan as he leads me out of the basement and up the stairs. "Did you hear what he said?" I asked, wondering if the cameras recorded audio as well.

"Yes, I did, and just know that he's scared, he can't handle love or affection very well for that matter." Manny tells me, helping me to my bedroom. When we got inside there was blood on my pillow, probably from when Ethan attacked me.

"You said there's cameras in every room?" I looked around, in the corner was one, it was blinking blue. "Yeah, we monitor over everything" Manny nods and I gulp.

"Everything?" I ask and he laughs, "we mind our business when those things go on" he tells me and I blush. "You should get some rest, you've been through a lot" he tells me and I shake my head.

"No, I need to talk to Cameron" i tell Manny and he nods, "okay, well you're a grown man I suppose" Manny walks out of my room and I race downstairs, running into Cameron's room with no knocking or anything.

"Woah!" Cameron yells, I shield my eyes when I see his towel drop, "sorry! I didn't know" I apologize and awkwardly laugh.

"It's okay, you can look now" I slowly turn around and see Cam already dressed in boxers. "Are you okay? You look really torn up and- what happened to your face?" Cam asks, stepping towards me and running his thumb across my cheek making me flinch.

"Ethan" I whisper and Cameron's eyes widen, "that son of a bitch" he mumbles making me frown. "He thinks I want to kill him" I mumble, a new tear slipping from my right eye.

"Hey, hey it's okay, don't cry" Cameron pulls me against his chest, trying to calm me down. I look up at him, he was a lot taller than me and Ethan, he was around 6'4 which made me feel really safe.

Cameron looked down at me with a small frown, "What are you doing with him?" He asks in a sad whisper, running his hand through my hair. "Wh-What do you mean?" I ask, starting to get confused.

"He doesn't deserve you" Cameron tells me, his frown turning into a smile as his eyes locked with mine. Cameron dips his head down, his lips dangerously close to mine. "I can't. I love him" I whisper, Cameron stops his movements.

My heart felt like it was being pulled when I said it out loud, maybe I do love Ethan. But how could I after what he had just done? It was all so confusing but I was certain that what I had felt for him was most definitely love.

"How? How could you love him after what he just did, he hit you." Cameron tells me as if I don't already know. "We've tried to kill each other, Cam. Him hitting me is no where near as bad as you think for us." I tell him, making him scoff.

"You're sick" He tells me, letting go of me. "It's not my fault you have a crush on me, that's on you. Man, I thought I found someone in this house that I could go to without telling anybody all my information but no." I turn away from him and swing open the door, trudging back to my room.

I shut the door behind me and locked it, my mind was racing with thoughts, I was angry. So fucking angry at Cameron, Ethan, even Manny. I grabbed a book off of my dresser and threw it at the camera, disconnecting it and making it fall to the floor in pieces.

I climbed into bed and closed my eyes, crying into the scent of Ethan. My pillow still smelled like him, it comforted me in a way, even though I was still angry with him. I will never understand this man, will I?

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