38. the one who loved seeing her in his clothes

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"I will always have time for you, Rach."

My coat wrapped around my body while I walked into the cold streets of Downtown Toronto. Yesterday night was surprising for me, Shawn said to me that I was his future and I'm pretty sure that I asked too many questions to myself : Was I ready? Did he really loves me? Was he sure?

You are asking silly questions, Rach. I said to myself, while I walked I spotted the little café where I worked before, I smiled and walked in.

My lips instantly curved into a smile while I walked in. The hot breeze hit my face while I sighed in relief.

"Rachel, my love!" Yelled Maria, she was the owner and acted like a mother to me while my relation with my mom was complicated.

"Maria!" I chuckled and melted into her arms, so safe. "How have you been?" I asked to her as she lead me in the back and prepared a coffee for me.

"I missed you but I've been great, what about you?" She asked softly, she sat and gave me the mug.

"I'm great." I answered smiling

I took a moment for examining the café, nothing changed. She still had this yellow colour on the wall making the place looking warmer, she still had the same employees except for one since I left. The people are mostly young because we are in Downtown Toronto, they're with their friends or partner. Some of them are laughing and smiling like crazy and others are yelling and leaving the café in a hurry. And that's when my eyes found, the only one Shawn Mendes : My boyfriend for now one year and a half and soon two years. I couldn't help but wonder why was he here?

"Maria? Does Shawn come often here?" I asked to her as she shrugged

"Yeah, he always comes around, well, this time." She looked at her watch and then looked up. "He is here."

I looked at her walking to him, saying a few things and waited until the moment he looked up and met my eyes. His face shined at my sight as he walked towards me.

"Hey babe." He said softly and leaned down for leaving a little kiss on my cheekbone.

"Hey baby." I answered. "What are you doing here?" I asked to him

He took a seat. "I was writing and got tired so I thought that a good coffee was indeed needed." He answered with a cute laugh.

"I told my boss that I didn't want to go to London." I told him as he nodded.

My boss didn't really like the fact that I declined his offer and kept begging me to go. If I wasn't with Shawn and in love with him, I would go in a heartbeat but right now I couldn't. I knew how much dreamt about this moment : having is own career. And, I couldn't take this away from him even if I wanted to, he worked so hard.

I snapped out my thought when I felt his cold big hand grabbing mine. "I'm sorry baby, you know that I would go with you if my career wasn't starting." He smiled and kissed my knuckles.

"It's okay, don't worry." I said to him faking a smile. "What about we go home and watch a movie?" I asked. "Or you are too busy?" I added as he shook his head.

"I will always have time for you, Rach." He told me. "Don't worry about that." He added smiling.

I stood up and made my way to Maria, I hugged and promised her that I would come back soon; Shawn did the same. He took my hand and started to walk home, he would look at me sometimes and smiled like a kid or he would leave sweet kisses on my forehead or cheek. Once, we got home I walked to our room and took off my heels

"Y'know, you look gorgeous today." Complimented Shawn as I smiled.

I examined myself in the mirror, I was wearing a black leather skirt and a white shirt that was Shawn's and also high boots.
He came closer and laid his big hand on my hips and brought me closer, I chuckle while his hair tickled me and his head went down and kissed my neck.

"You will always look great in my clothes." He mumbled close to my collarbone as I hummed. "I love you so much."

I smiled slyly and cupped his face with my hands, I tiptoed and stared at his lips. So plump and kissable, I would kiss him every second of the day if I could.

"Come on, Rach. Kiss me." He whispered as I closed the space between us.

My lips came in contact with his, the kiss was so sweet yet passionate. Our tongues dancing together while his hands laid on my bottom and squeezed it softly earning a moan from me.

"I love you too, Shawn." I mumbled before he pecked my lips a few times.

I finally updated!!!!
I hope you'll love it :)))

DRIVING ME CRAZY...SHAWN MENDESWhere stories live. Discover now