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Wow why am I so tired?

It's in my face and head. I'm also highly annoyed. I want everyone to go away. Especially Kaitlynn and her little puppy dog boyfriend Bill.

God, they're the worst sometimes. She's my block from Tyler too..

Whatever man. I'm so sick of them it's not funny..But Kaitlynn needs me, so I'm not just going to easily push her away. How rude.

Yet again I am a pretty rude person from time to time.

School is a big pain to me. I know life is all about responsibilities but they're getting old. I feel like I don't live freely as I should anymore. Going back and front between grandmothers suck. My parents being the condition they are in sucks too..

Did I tell you I walked 5.7 miles? From my house to my church. Wow. I almost made it but my dad seen me walking down main street and had the funniest "what the..." face.

It's been cold and wet so theres nowhere to sit by my pond, so I just started walking to see where I would end up. I didn't think I would end up that far. I also learned it's illegal to walk on the highway.

No cops stopped me, explains all the beeping from cars when I was CLEARLY not in their way.

I kinda noticed how annoyed I get by physical touch.

It actually makes me sick to my stomach to see a hug or to receive one. Christ that's not normal..

Neither is the way I type, I can't use "bad words" because the school would detect what I'm writing.

THat's a disaster I don't want to think about WOW.

Back to the whole physical thing. I'm also jumpy and when things touch my back I wiggle around like I'm on fire. It makes for a disconnect in a few of the friendships I had. AJ being an example. He's touchy and I'm over here like "NOOOOOO"

Kinesthetic people.. Ick.


My head hurts.. I just badly want to go home. Nothing sounds better than my bed.. Texting Jack.. And just.. laying..

I don't know what my issue is today honestly. I'm fidning everything about everyone annoying and it's kind of sad. All I want to do is sit and type too.. I don't even want to go to the pond. I guess I'm just tired..

I don't really know why I'm so tired either.

I don't even want to type this.. but yet it's the only way I feel like I can express myself.

I want to go home.. this just sucks. I'm just gonna put my head down the rest of this class. I'm pretty 100% done.

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