Chapter 19

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Love Remembers

Chapter 19

*****Letty’s POV*****

                I hated lying; I really did, especially to my best friend. It sucked canal water like a mother trucker. I had to lie to Georgia about that stupid picture of her, when the truth was I really did know who it was with her as she danced away in the bed of that truck.

                I just sighed and hopped up off my bed and went over to my closet and started picking out two different outfits, one was for me while the other was for Georgia.

                I saw the shirt I was looking for as my eyes skimmed over it, my favorite button down orange plaid shirt. Now time to find bottoms, It was the middle of July so it was hot out at night still, so chose a cute pair of cutoffs and grabbed a tank top to go under my button down. Then to finish off my look I grabbed my pair of Justin boots and sat them next to the outfit I would wear.

                Now for Georgia, she’s a blonde so I think purple and blue would really look cute on her. Usually those two colors bring out the color of her hair, either way I wanted her to look her best for tonight. So I grabbed a pair of cutoffs for her also and a teal, purple, and white button down with a white tank top to go underneath. Her boots would be fine because they were brown.

                After I finished getting dressed I brushed my hair out and put it in a messy bun atop of my head, grabbed Georgia’s outfit and headed off towards her room. She seemed so weird earlier during dinner, as if she was hiding something and just waiting for her secret to be found out. She never acted like towards me, so it was quit odd for her to be like that now. Who knows though Letty, I thought to myself as I approached Georgia’s bedroom door. It might change tonight, maybe she’ll tell you. As soon as my fist went up to give the door a good ol’ knocking on it opened to reveal Georgia’s face.

“Hey, perfect timing!” She exclaimed and grabbed my upright arm and yanked me into the room, slamming the door behind her.

                “Ok then,” I said slowly as I glanced at the now shut door as Georgia went into the bathroom and came back out with her makeup bag.

                “Here, you already got your outfit on so I’ll do your makeup first.” 

                “Ok,” I told her as I closed my eyes and prepared for her to put the eye shadow on first.

                One thing I learned about Georgia is once she sees something cool done with makeup she HAS to know how to do it herself. It’s just the type of person she is, which is why she knows how to make the perfect Smokey eye which I would love to do, and from the feel of the different brushes I could tell that’s what she was doing.

                “You know, you have the prettiest eyes Letty, I swear I would love to have brown eyes instead of these ugly flat green ones.” Georgia told me as I opened my eyes and saw her as she twisted the eyeliner back in and put the lid on it.

                “Georgia, shut up. Your eyes are extremely pretty on their own. I mean that’s one of the reasons guys like you.” I scolded her as I stood up and turned around to grab her clothes from the bed.

                “Well every guy that you’re with compliments your eyes, have you not noticed?”

                “No, honestly I haven’t.” I replied, thinking back to when I talked to guys and my memory coming up blank. I just shrugged and turned around thrusting the pile of clothes in Georgia’s arms.

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