Chapter 25

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Love Remembers

Chapter 25

*****Jake’s POV*****

                I told Georgia where to get blankets at then started towards the kitchen to make some food for a picnic later on while we were fishing. God I couldn’t wait until I got to spend time with that woman. She seemed like she was finally starting to remember when we were together, she was starting to finally become herself again.

                I started humming along to the song she was singing in the truck, chuckling to myself thinking of how she changed the words of it. I seriously loved this girl she always made me happy and knew how to cheer me up even when she didn’t know I was upset let alone know me all too well like I knew her.

                I grabbed some peanut butter and some jelly setting them on the counter with the bread and butter knife then turned to grab some baggies to put the sandwiches in once I made them. Suddenly I heard a loud sound like something fell. Stopping what I was doing I ran to the bedroom thinking of Georgia getting the blankets.

                I slid to a stop before I ran on top of her laying there on the floor blankets sprawled around her. She must have feinted or passed out. But from what is what I was wondering until I glanced around the room to see all the pictures of Georgia and I together still on the walls that I never took down as a reminder I would get her back eventually. I didn’t even think anything of them hanging in her and her walking in not remembering me isn’t exactly a good way for her to learn to fall for me again. She probably thinks I’m some kind of psycho now, great.

                Carefully I picked her up and carried her into the guest room that was carefully cleaned up bed made and all. I laid her down on the bed and covered her over with one of the light weight quilts folded across the end of the bed. Once that was settled I went back to my bedroom and cleaned up the mess, even making my bed.

                Now I just had to wait for her to wake up. So I figured why not go make some actual supper and maybe then I’ll be able to explain things to her better when she wakes up if she’s willing to stay and have supper with me.

                I scoured the pantry for something to make. I came up with spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. That was one thing my mother taught me to make when I was sixteen that way I could impress a girl if I had to and be able to feed myself when I moved out. Believe me I could cook if I wanted too, and since the accident I’ve been cooking for myself since Georgia isn’t around to make supper like she normally does.  Not that I’m complaining and saying it’s a woman’s job to cook when in my opinion it really isn’t, men should be able to care for themselves too.

                I hummed along to the radio I flipped on to the local country station as I boiled the spaghetti and cooked the meatballs adding seasoning here and there like mama taught me.  I decided to be romantic just a little bit and bring out the white table cloth I always kept in the cupboard for special occasions and throw it over the table gently. Then I went to get  some of the pillar candles from the living room Georgia seemed to be obsessed with and set two of them on the table next too a mason jar I also set down.

                Something else was missing though and snapping my fingers I realized just exactly what it was. I turned the burners off real fast on the stove and snuck out the kitchen door into the back yard eyes scanning the area around the farm until I spotted what I was looking for. I jogged over to the bright multicolor wild flowers and carefully plucked a few I thought she’d like and went back in the house placing them in the mason jar with a bit of water for them.

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