Chapter 37: Fellow Parseltongue

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Once we all leave i follow Harry, Hermione and Ron to the gryffindor common room.

"You're a parselmouth. Why didn't you tell us?" Ron asked Harry.

"I'm a what?" Harry asks looking at the three of us.

"You can talk to snakes." hermione says simply.

"I know. I mean. I accidentally sent a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once." Harry explains.

"Nice." i say rather proud. Dudley seems like a right git so.

"Once, but so what. I bet loads of people here can do it." Harry says. Ron shakes his head while looking at harry like he's sprouted a second.

"No, they can't. It's not a very common gift Harry. This is bad." hermione says.

"That makes two of us." I mumble very very quietly and no one notices.

" what's bad? If i hadn't told that snake not to attack justin and (Y/N)." Harry begins before being cut off by Ron.

"That's what you said to it?"

"You were there, you heard me." Harry says angrily as i nod.

"I heard you speaking parseltongue. Snake language." Ron explains.

"I spoke a different language? But i didn't realise. But how can i speak a language without knowing i can?" harry questions.

"I don't know-" hermione begins before i cut her off.

"It's sort of an involuntary thing when you speak to snakes. It just happens. You can't control it, and you hear whatever you're trying to say. But to everyone else it just sounds like weird hissing sounds." I continue to explain. Ron and Hermione give me a weird look like they're wondering how i know that.

"It still sounded like you where egging the snake on or something. Harry, listen to me. There's a reason the symbol of slytherin house is a serpent. Salazar slytherin was a parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too." Hermione explains.

"Exactly. Now the whole schools gonna think you're his great great great grandson or something." Ron continues.

"But i'm not. I can't be." Harry says angrly.

"He lived a thousand years ago. For all we know, you could be." Hermione says kinda sadly.

Once i get back to the hufflepuff dorm everyone is in the main room gossiping. Justin immediately walks up to me with a group of his friends behind me.

"(Y/N) you were right in front of me like a hero. You heard it?"

"Harry was speaking parseltongue."

"He was wanting it to kill us."

"He's definitely the heir of slytherin isn't he." they all began talking at once, and it didn't take long for the entirety of hufflepuff to surround me.

"Just shut up!" i yelled before walking up the stairs a little so everyone could hear me.

"Yes! Harry did speak Parseltongue. No! He wasn't trying to kill us, and for god sake how am i supposed to know who the bloody heir of slytherin is? All i know is Harry meant no harm and he didn't even realise he was a parselmouth. So just shut up and leave me be!" i yell at the common room before storming up to my private room. Thank goodness it is private or else i think i might have died.

Sadly my outburst didn't stop the rumors spreading around the whole school of Harry. You could see everyone was on high alert around him like he was a skitzofrenic waiting to break.

In fact, it got so bad that Harry left mid study hall to get away from it all.

To make sure he was okay i decided to go after him. As he was walking, me trailing a little bit behind him, the voice started up. I stopped to listen. And to my surprise so did Harry.

I watched as Harry felt around the wall, following the sound, as i followed him from a distance. The voice kept saying "kill, kill, kill." over and over again.

Harry looked around confused before turning a corner, which i quickly followed. Once i turned to corner i saw Harry standing in front of a sizzling nearly-headless-Nick with none other than Justin on the ground by his feet. I watched in shock as Harry knelt down next to Justin. suddenly Filch came and stood next to me looking at harry.

"Caught in the act." he announces as Harry turns and notices us standing there. "I'll have you out this time Potter. Mark my words." he says before stalking away.

"No. Mr. Filch. You don't understand." he says calling after him. "Please (Y/N). you don't understand."

"Yes i do. Its okay Harry. I know you didn't do anything. After all, i can hear it too" i whisper before nodding once and leaving to go to the slytherin dorm. I really need a cuddle right now.

A/N- Heyyyooooo im back. sorry I wasn't back sooner, school started and I just completely forgot. I opened my watt pad for the first time in months to have more then 700 notifications!!!! WTF!!!!! im in the writing mood so im about to drop a shit tone of chapters. so look forward to that later todayyyy. ily you all. this has over 44k reads and is number 23? on the Hufflepuff hashtag!!! thats insane! y'all are the best. ily sm. if you have any ideas or thoughts or funny comments PLEASE COMMENT THEM! I don't always respond but I promise I read them ALLL! also if u went more or loved this chapter Vote for it! ily sm thanks for reading. see you vvv soon! (ik this chapter was shot, but the next isn't so stay tuned!) 

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