Chapter 3: shopping.

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As I exit on the other side of the fireplace I look around to see the familiar street of diagonally.
Once all of us are through we make our way to gringotts wizard bank. We walk to the front desk and ask for 2 withdrawals. Mine and the others.
After hopping in the cart and zooming to the family volt, Mum hops out and collects all the coins from the volt. Leaving it completely empty. She hops back in the cart and we whiz off to mine.
I'm so nervous. Mum never let any of us kids go to my volt and see what's inside. I wonder how much money I have. Probably not much. As the cart stops I hop out with my small sac in hand. I remove the key from around my neck and hand it to the goblin. He unlocks the massive volt door and it opens. My mouth falls open as I look inside and see the massive room filled to the brim with gold coins. Literally lining the walls with only gold coins. Not one Knut in sight. I grab a bunch and fill my bag to the brim. Making sure to pocket a few more.
I hop back into the cart and we get whisked away back to the top.
Once we are outside gringotts everyone is talking about there strategy of what to do.
"Hey Mum." I say looking at her.
"Yes my dear." She says turning to face me.
"Can I go off on my own to get my supplies?" I ask nervously.
"Yes of course you can. Just meet back at the fireplace at 4:45 okay?" She says still smiling sweetly.
"Ya and also." I say as I pull 5 or so coins out of my pocket and put them in her hands. "Take these."
"No dear. This is your money." Mum says trying to hand them back.
"Yes and I'm giving them to you. Get yourself something nice. A good book or something. Think of it as a gift." I says sweetly.
"Oh alright. But you are not to give anymore away." She says kindly but firmly.
"Okay." I say happy she excepted the money. I turn to walk away as Fred runs up to me.
"You really gonna leave without a hug?" He asks in his cheeky voice.
"I'm gonna see you later but okay." I say wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "Give one to George." I whisper as I slip two galleons into his pocket. I pull away and wink at him before running to olivanders to finally get my wand.

After getting my wand, potion supplies, herbolagy supplies, new uniform and robes, basically everything I need minus the actual text books.
I make my way to the book store and walk inside. I have always loved to read. There's something so refreshing about opening a new book. I don't know why but I just find learning so much fun, I just want to know everything. I walk around the store grabbing all the books on my list before walking upstairs to look for something to read for my own enjoyment.
As I'm looking at the tall shelves one book with a gold spine catches my eyes. I reach up as best I can to get it but I'm not tall enough. If only one of my brothers where here. They would be able to reach it in a heartbeat. That's another thing that separates me from the others, I'm short as hell.
Determined to get the book I try standing on my tippy toes. But alas, I still can't reach.
"Need some help?." A voice from behind me says. I turn to see a boy. He's slightly taller than me with white blonde hair that's all slicked back.
"Yes please." I say in a hushed tone standing aside. He walks up to the book shelf extending his hand grabbing the book without a problem.
"Here you go." He says handing me the book.
"Thank you." I say examining the cover which shows an image of some animal. The title is: Magical creatures that make amazing pets.
I smile at the cover. I have always loved magical creatures.
"What book is it?" The boy who is still standing there asks.
"Oh. It's called Magical creatures that make amazing pets. Thank you for getting it down for me." I say holding the book to my chest smiling at the boy.
"Any time." He says smiling back. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He says extending his hand. Why is that name so familiar.
"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) South-Star." I say shacking his hand.
"That's a nice surname. Sounds pretty." He replies.
"Thanks. And your name means dragon and that's pretty cool." I say giggling. What. Giggling. I never giggle. Weird. Draco laughs along with me.
"Anyway I should go pay for these books." I say looking down at the pile of books at my feet.
"Can you afford all of these?" He asks looking at the mini mountain.
"Yes." I say trying to pick up the stack.
"Here let me help." Draco says picking up half the pile as I hold the other half.
"Thank you. Let's take these to the front desk." I say as I begin to walk down the stairs. As Draco and I get to the front desk we put all the books on the counter. The man at the desk wraps up the books and puts them in a bag so I can carry them easily.
I pull out my sac of coins and pay for the books. I go to take the bags full books off the desk but Draco reaches out and grabs them before I can.
"I can carry them myself." I say trying to take them off him.
"To bad." He says as he starts to walk out the door. I grab my other stuff and follow him out the door.
"Where to next?" Draco asks once we have exited the store.
"Why are you helping me?" I ask ignoring his question.
"Because I want to. So where to next?" He asks again.
"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" I ask him.
"We could go to the pet store? I need to get some more owl food." He says.
"Ya I should get my owl some food to actually." I reply as we start heading to the pet store.
We walk through the door and head to the owl food section.
"What food does your owl eat?" Draco asks grabbing the most expensive food on the shelfs.
"This special stuff I have to ask for at the front desk." I say as we walk to the desk.
"Has your owl got a weak stomach or something?" He asks.
"Ya something like that." I say. He doesn't seem to satisfied with my answer but he drops it.
"Just these pellets?" The lady at the counter asks Draco.
"And some special ones. What are they called?" He answers then turns to me.
"Oh um." I say pulling out the note I have about the food and handing it to the lady. She takes the note and reads it.
"I see." She says handing the note back and walking to the back of the store.
After a couple minutes she walks back in with the normal brown paper bag with gold sticker that I usually get.
"And are you playing together?" She asks placing the bag down.
"N-" "Yes." Draco answers cutting me off.
"That will be 8 Galleons and 15 sickles." The lady at the counter says.
"Wow okay" Draco says reaching for his wallet. Before he could even get it out I grabbed 9 Galleons out of my bag and placed it on the counter.
"Keep the change." I say grabbing the owl food and walking out the door.
Once we where both outside Draco turns to me.
"What did you do that for. I was more than happy to pay." He says. I was slightly surprised at how calm he was.
"Ya well so was I." I say with a cheeky smile. I look down at my watch to check the time. It's 4:40.
"Hey Draco. Thank you for everything I really appreciate it. But I have to go." I say slightly disappointed that I couldn't hang out with him longer.
"It's okay. We will see each other at school." He says with a small smile.
"Ya maybe." I say hopeful.
"In fact we still have almost a month of holiday left. Maybe you could come visit me sometime?" He says with a bright smile.
"Ya I'd like that." I say smiling back at him.
"Here" he says grabbing my owl food bag and a quill sitting at a nearby table. He scribbles something on the back of the packet. "Write to me okay?" He says handing the bag back. It now has his address and name on it.
"Okay I will." I answer still smiling.
"I really gotta run." I say taking my bags and handing him his. "Bye Draco." I say before walking off to meet my family. After walking through a crowed I arrived at the fireplace to see my family just arriving.
"What's made you so happy." Fred says making me realise I'm probably smiling like a massive idiot.
"Uh the um thought of starting Hogwarts finally." I say making up a good excuse on the spot. 
"Okay now let's get home." Mum says handing us our floo powder and sending us back to the burrow.

A/N- wow that was a long ass chapter but I think it was a good one. Hope you liked it. Don't expect all of my chapters to be this long I'm normally very lazy but I was bored so ya. Thanks for reading. Bye.

South-Star. (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now