Chapter 4: owls.

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I woke up the next morning to an amazing smell. I follow the scent to discover Mum making breakfast. But not our normal breakfast. This is more fancy. I sit down at the table along with everyone else. Pancakes and bacon are slowly piled on everyone's plates.
"Wow Mum! This looks incredible!" Ron says before stuffing his face.
"Well thanks to your sister." She answers looking at me. "I got a new cook book and ingredients." She said smiling as everyone smiled at me with with food filling there mouth. I just smile back and keep eating.

After a few minutes of eating and making small chatter I had finished eating and went up to my room to get changed. My room was near to the top of the house and the biggest room. (I guess because my parents had more money from my volt to make it that way.)
After getting changed I go and sit at my desk. Golden-oak is sitting on a pedestal next to her food bowl which is empty. I walk over to my gear that I bought yesterday and pick up the bag of owl food. It's not normal owl food though. Because Golden-oak is part unicorn she needs special gold/magic infused food to keep her really healthy. That's what makes it so expensive.
I pour some of the food into the bowl then place the bag next to her cage. As I place the bag down I look a the scribbled on address.
Draco Malfoy, The Malfoy Manner.
I smile remembering the small time spent with the platinum haired boy. I go into my draw and pull out my favourite quill, ink and paper. I start to write him a letter.
Hello Draco,
This is (Y/N). We meet at the book store yesterday.
How are you?
I don't really know what to write about. I never asked. Are you starting Hogwarts soon? Because I'm about to start my first year this year. I'm very excited. Do you know which house you will be in? I personally have no idea which one I will be in.
Anyway hope you reply soon.
From (Y/N).

After finishing the letter I put it in an envelope and write the address on it. I seal the letter before handing it to Golden-oak who lets out a happy little whoot before flying out the window and into the sky.

(Time skip to the next day)

After running down stairs to see another fancy and delicious breakfast the whole family is sitting around eating and making small talk. Suddenly there's a hoot as Golden-oak flys into the room with a green letter in her beak. She lands on the back of my chair and hands me the letter as I pick up a blueberry and hand it to her. She flies up off to my room whooting away happily. Everyone is looking at me with very questionable looks. I nearly never get mail. Only from Charlie or Bill and Erol brings that.
"Ohhh (Y/N) has mail" George says breaking the silence. 
"Who's it from (Y/N)?" Fred asks me smiling.
"It doesn't matter. It's my mail not yours" I reply in a joking tone.
"Come on (Y/N). Who's it from?" Fred asks again still with a slight joking tone but a little bit more serious. 
"She doesn't need to tell you if she doesn't want to." Mum says quite firmly taking everyone by surprise.
"But Mum. Aren't you curious?" George retorts.
"It doesn't matter how curious I am. Her birth parents said that Golden-oak is her owl and that anything sent to her can be kept private if that is what she wishes so stop pestering her." Mum answers at the twins almost yelling.
"Yes Mum." The twins say in time before continuing eating. I quickly finish my food before going upstairs to open the letter.
Dear (Y/N),
I'm so happy to receive your letter. If I'm honest I didn't think you would actually write to me. I'm good. And yes I too am starting Hogwarts this year. Guess we will be in first year together. I am most definitely going to be a slytherin, it's in my blood. If I'm honest I think you could be in any house. But then again I have only known you for less then a day.
I hope you are well and that exciting things are going on wherever you are. Sincerely, Draco Malfoy.

I smile at the letter and begin to write a reply.........

A/N- Yo thanks for reading. I hope you are enjoying the story. I really am. I'm looking forward to writing the next chapter I have good things planned. So again. Thanks for reading. Comment if you liked it, or if you didn't I would just love feedback!!!! See you next time 💕

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