Chapter 8: The journey to.....

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Today's the day. Today is FINALLY the day!!!!!!
IM GOING TO HOGWARTS!!!! I'm so excited!!!! Not only am I going to hogwarts for the first time I also A) get to find out my house. B) get to meet new people! And C) I get to see Draco again! We have sent 2 letters in the past week. He sent me one via his owl and then I sent a reply. So. I'm currently in my room packing my last few things into my satchel. All my other things are downstairs. I grab my new book : Magical creatures that make amazing pets. I put it in my satchel along with my wand, note book and quill, my pot of mood changing ink, a sac of coins (my volt key is on its string around my neck under my clothes), and my unicorn horn which I still haven't taken out of its case yet. Now that I have everything I run down stairs to the lounge.
"You ready to go dear?" My Mum asks as I stand next to my gear.
"Yes. I am." I say with a massive goofy smile.
"Right. Let's get you in the car then." Mum says ushering me out the door. I take my bags (and golden-oak, who is in her cage) to dad who packs them into the boot as I hop into the backseat. I go into my satchel and pull out my unicorn horn. I fixed the lock a few days ago so I don't have to keep using magic. I open up the case and look at the beautiful horn. It's so pretty and shiny. I hear the car door open as I quickly shut the case and shove it back into my bag.
"What was that?" Fred asks as he hops in next to me as George follows next to him.
"What was what?" George asks.
"Ya Fred. What was what?" I ask pretending to be oblivious.
"What was that thing you just shoved into your bag?" He asks pointing at my satchel.
"Does it matter?" I ask looking at him hoping he gives up.
"Yes. What was it?" He says. I give him a pleading look. "Please just tell me. Look if you don't want Mum and Dad to know we won't tell. Unless of course you don't tell us then we will tell Mum and Dad your hiding something." Fred says looking me straight in the eye. I sigh as I pull out the gold case.
"Look. You can't tell anyone I have this. Promise?" I say looking back at him.
"Promise. Now show me." Fred says eagerly. I slowly open the case and show Fred and George. They look into the case. There mouths drop open and there eyes widen. They have faces of complete shock.
"Is that real?" Fred asks not tearing his eyes away from the horn.
"As far as I can tell yes." I say shutting the case, locking it and putting it back into my bag.
"Bloody hell. Where did you get it?" George asks looking at me.
"Diagonally." I say with a shrug. The boys nodded clearly understanding that I don't want to talk about it. After a few more seconds of silence everyone else hops into the car and we all make our way to the train station.

We arrive at the train station a little later then hoping but still on time. We hop out of the car, put our gear on trolleys and walk to platform 9 3/4. Of course we have to get to it magically so muggles can't accidentally get on a train to Hogwarts. We walk up to the pillar/ passage way to the platform and Percy runs through first. Followed bye Fred the George. I run through as I hear some random boy talking to mum. But before I can actually care I get through to the platform.
The Hogwarts express stands before me in all it's glory. Fred and George show me to the luggage area where I drop off my bags and Golden-oak, who just sat quietly in her cage without a noise. (Unlike the other owls.).
I walk through the compartments and eventually find an empty one. I walk in and sit down by the window. Looking out I see my mum and sister smiling and waving. I smile at them. I love them to peaces. The train starts to move and it suddenly dawns on me that I'm leaving behind almost everything I know. I doubt that I will be in the same house as my family. I'll probably only see them in classes, and that will only be Ron. I frown at the thought of being so far from home. But I guess Ron must have it worse. I mean, at least I have an owl that I can send letters with. He only has his creepy rat who I have never been fond of.
My thoughts are cut off by the train door sliding open. I turn around to see my platinum haired friend. Draco. He notices me and smiles.
"Hey. How are you?" He asks entering the carriage.
"I'm good. Nervous but good. And you?" I ask smiling.
"I'm good I guess." He says in reply. "Can we sit with you?" He asks. That's when I notice the other 2 boys with him. Both rather round and one slightly taller then the other.
"Ya. Sure." I say as Draco sits next to me as the others sit across from us.
"This is Crabb and that's Goyle." Draco says pointing at the 2 boys.
"Hello. I'm (Y/N) South-star." I say smiling at crabb and goyle. They both mutter a little hi or hello. I smile and nod before looking back out the window. After a few seconds of silence Draco speaks. "You okay (Y/N)?"
"I don't know." I say as I let out a sigh.
"What's wrong?" He asks taking my hand that's between us.
"I just. Don't know. And that's the problem. I don't know what's gonna happen or what's to expect. I don't know what house I'm gonna be in and I don't know if I'm gonna be any good at magic. What if I suck?" I say looking at Draco.
"Listen. You'll be fine. What ever house you end up in you will be fine. Your not gonna suck. Your already amazing with that whole unlocking charm and everything. Trust me. You are going to be okay." He says smiling at me. I smile back.
"It also probably doesn't help I got like no sleep last night. I was to nervous and excited." I say with an 'I'm an idiot' tone of voice.
"Ya that won't help." Draco says rolling his eyes. "Tell you what. You can sleep now and we will wake you up when the journey is almost over." He says happily.
"Okay." I say before resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.

A/N- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME ANOTHER UPDATE!!!! THIS IS AMAZING AND totally not normal. So don't get used to it. I'm just particularly enjoying writing this ATM. Anyway. Thanks for reading. Please vote bc that lets me know if u want more and also comment ideas, what you like or dislike about the story bc it is for you and so I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. Thank you. Bye!!!

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