Chapter 24: Train and Home

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Well. first year done. After taking of my robes to be in normal 'muggle' clothes, I walk to the train and get in an empty carriage. After a few moments the door opens to show Draco looking rather sad.

"Can i come in?" he asks in a monotone voice that is very undraco like.

"Of course you can." i say as he walks in and shuts the door behind him. He sits next to me in a slump, facing me with his back against the carriage wall. Yet looking at the other seat. The others don't enter so im guessing they're off elsewhere.

"What's wrong?" i ask moving closer to my sad looking boyfriend. He moves his head to look at me.

"I was so excited to win the house cup for my first year. Father would be so proud. And i get that you all went through so much last night but. Fathers going to be so disappointed and angry that we didn't win." he says with a little huff of anger, but anyone who cares can tell that really he's upset. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and put my legs up so that i'm sitting on his lap.

"I'm sorry." i say as he holds me around the waist and nuzzles into my shoulder.

"Don't be. It's not your fault." he says. I pull away a little and look at his face.

"If it's any help. I'm proud of you. And i will always be proud of you. No matter what." i say. His mouth forms a smile and he kisses me. His lips are so soft against mine and yet there's so much passion in there movement. I pull away after a few second and move my arms to be around his waist, resting my head on his chest.

"Thank you." he says still holding me tight. I snuggle into him a little more and start to drift to sleep. But just before i am i hear Draco whisper 3 key words. "I Love You."

"(Y/N). wake up. The trains about to stop." i hear as i'm carefully shaken awake. I open my eyes to see that i'm in the arms of Draco still.

"Hey." i say looking up at him.

"Hello princess." he says smiling down at me before kissing my forehead. I sit up and smile as i look out the window. Draco's right. We are very close to the station.

"My parents said that the platform gets too crowded. So they're going to wait for me in the muggle world." i say looking at Draco.

"Good because i wanna spend as much time with you as possible." he says with his normal smile.

"But my brothers are still gonna be getting off, plus Ginny is going to be at the platform knowing her." i say looking at Draco's face as it drops a little. "Its okay though. Because i promise i will see you during the holidays." i finish.

"Oh ya?" he says leaning in a little.

"Ya." i say closing the gap and kissing my beautiful boyfriend. But the kiss is cut short by a the train coming to a stop. Looking out the window we see the platform. We hear doors open and people walk out. Draco and I both stand up and walk out of the compartment. I made sure to remember Aurora in my bag.

Once off the train, we look out on the platform. I can see Dracos parents not to far away from us. And in the distance I see Ginny running around with the others. I turn to Draco.

"I'll write to you every day." he says looking at me with his shining silver eyes.

"Promise?" i say with a tear forming in my eye. I can't stand the thought of not seeing him everyday. God i'm a wet blanket.

"Of course i do baby." he says wrapping his arms around my neck and holding me into his chest. And i just wrap my arms around his waist and snuggle into him. After a few seconds he pulls away.

"I'll see you soon. I promise. We can go to that cafe in diagonally you told me about. And get all the chocolate you want." He says with that beautiful smile that only i get to see.

"I'm gonna hold you to that." i reply with a chuckle. I look into his eyes as he smiles. He's so beautiful and he's all mine.

"I expect nothing less. goodbye (Y/N)." he says with a chuckle.

"Bye Draco." i say giving his a quick kiss before walking away to get my gear.

Once i have gotten my gear, put it on a trolley cart and walk through the wall to the muggle world. Once through i see my family standing around with Harry and his family walking away. I also get a quick wave at Hermione before she to walks away. I approach my family and smile at my lovely group of redheads.

"(Y/N) Dear. welcome back." mum says giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Hello mum. It's great to see you again." i say as she pulls back away.

"What took you so long? We have to hurry home." she says as she starts pushing me and the others towards the car.

"Sorry. I had to say goodbye to my friends." i answer. Mum gives a half hearted nod before running ahead of us. Meanwhile i'm at the back of the group with Ginny.

"One very close friend you mean?" Ginny says giving me a cheeky look with one eyebrow raised.

"How much did you see?" i ask her with slight concern.

"Up until you walked away." she says in an evil sibling tone (if you have one, you know what i mean.) that means she saw us kiss. Fudge.

"So. Is he your Boyfriend?" she asks as we leave the station and approach the car.

"Yes. but only you and Fred know. Please don't tell anyone." i explain.

"What's in it for me?" she says with a cheeky smirk.

"I'll give you 3 gallions." i say as we hope in the car.

"Deal." she says shaking my hand. I go into my bag to get out the gallions. Only for Aurora to jump out onto my lap.

"What is that?" Ginny says when sees the dragon.

"(Y/N) why do you have a dragon?!" my mother says as she looks over from the front seat.

"Charlie got it for me for christmas." i explain. She rolls her eyes and Dad starts the car. And my amazing red headed family drives off back to the burrow.

A/N- what??? 2 updates in 1 day??? I'm going good. and that's the first hp book done. now for the second. (still on this story on wattpad. but like IRL book one over) anyway. please comment ideas/thoughts if u have any and vote if u liked the chapter. I did. thanks for reading! Bye!

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